Status: draft Title: C.R.E.A.M. Date: 2019-01-3 Category: Tags: Slug: CREAM Lang: en Summary: Ethics, philosophy and random thoughts. In this year I focused on the business part of ElenQ Technology and tried to make it a profitable business. I'd like to share more about my actual job at ElenQ Technology soon, but that's not probably going to happen in this post. Let me tell you what's not my job instead: Looking for profitability is not my job, or it shouldn't be at least. Agree? It's being a lot of fun to see me struggle with that part of the business, where my tech expertise or my engineering skills have nothing to do with the result. It's true that, somehow, the rational thinking skills derived from engineering, programming or so are useful, but there's not direct relationship. So, if you take the decision to run your own thing, be prepared to deal with all this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm just thinking about it. That said, I'd also like to add the fact that ElenQ Technology has a not very common component that makes this discussion much more interesting: we have ethics. More than that, the most important point there is that we have **our own** ethics so we need to align our goals with our clients' quite often and that's a complex issue. Nothing really hard if you work for companies or people that have an ethical component you'd think, right? Also, in the case they don't it sounds impossible to run this kind of business, huh? Ok, I'll try to answer from my (biased) perspective. But I need some context before tackling such a complex topic. ... Wu-Tang said: > Cash rules everything around me > C.R.E.A.M., get the money > Dollar dollar bill, y'all I think they were right, even if they have been misinterpreted many times.