Title: [Talk] Full Source Bootstrapping RISC-V on Guix Date: 2024-09-19 Category: Tags: Bootstrapping GCC in RISC-V Slug: bootstrapGcc16 Lang: en Summary: People from **Guix London** gave me the chance to describe this process. Guix London[^london] gave me the chance to talk about this whole bootstrapping process and I delivered. - [Slides]({attach}/bootstrapGcc/guix-social.pdf) - [Video recording (youtube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj7DyiRqWBk) In the talk I explain what RISC-V is, how is the Linux support right now, and which changes we added to `(gnu packages commencement)` in Guix. Later, I share my thoughts about some social/emotional part, as I always do, in this case focusing the attention in *leadership* and how our *sensei* **Ludovic Courtès** is a great example of what I want to be as a free software developer that was given some responsibility. Then there are some questions, really good questions (thanks for that!), and we discuss a little bit about **NlNet** and how the grants work. You might be interested on that if you want to propose a project. Just that, I hope you like the talk. Fill my inbox with your questions, specially if they are interesting. [^london]: Thanks to the people from Guix London: **Steve**, **Fabio** and **Arun**.