Status: draft Title: Stand up! Date: 2019-03-06 Category: Tags: Slug: standing-desk Lang: en Summary: Build a simple but useful standing desk by hacking some furniture. ### Background My father is good at DIY stuff. He's really good. I've seen him drawing, designing and making things since I was a child. Further than the dozens of tons of DIY books that can be found at my parent's house, my father had no specific training on crafts. He's a lawyer, he finished his studies at almost 60 and he never worked as a lawyer and he probably won't because he's retired now. Maybe because of him my sister and I love making stuff and probably thanks to my mother's math skills now we are both engineers. We both have been trained on how to design and how to create stuff in a controlled way which is the part I like the most and the part that conforms the biggest portion of my job at ElenQ Technology. Since I moved out from my parent's I don't have tools to make a project like this, neither the workspace to make it, so I needed my father's DIY skills and his almost pathological tendency to collect tools and materials. I wanted to make it by myself at the beginning but I was busy and he is retired so... Perfect match.