# Fracture Fracture is an invoice registering system based on the command line. It makes a heavy use of `EDITOR` environment variable that lets you edit invoices based on python's `ConfigParser` module that are later written in a SQLite database. ## Configuration Run `fracture configure` for configuration. It will automatically open a sample configuration file for you. Once it's filled it will store the configuration file in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fracture/config` (`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` falls back to `$HOME/.config`). If configuration file is already set it will load the current configuration file for you to edit. You can use this example file as start: ```ini [invoice] id_format = "%%d/%%d/%%d/%%04d" %% (series, date.year, int(date.month/3+1), id) templatedir = ~/projects/ElenQ/fracture-py/templates/ # Currency related, just the amount of decimal places and the currency to use. currency = € currency_decimal = 2 [series] # This are the series *I* have, you can use any. 1 = Telecom 2 = Teaching 3 = Publishing 4 = Correction [taxes] # This are the extra taxes that you may apply to your earnings. # Both key and value are used later. IRPF = -0.15 [vat] # Those names are not used, but are good for you to know what you mean general = 0.21 reducido = 0.10 superreducido = 0.04 exento = 0.00 ``` ## Storage Storage is done in the configuration directory (for the moment). If you want to create a new invoice run `fracture new` and it will open an empty invoice in your `EDITOR` of choice. Fill it, save and it will create and store the invoice in the database. ## TODO There is stuff to do but I didn't list it yet. Like complex rendering with Latex and stuff like that: ``` pipenv run python fracture r 3/2020/3/0001 | xelatex --output-directory=output/ ```