;; neocities/mime --- mime type list -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2023 Ekaitz Zarraga ;; ;; Author: Ekaitz Zarraga ;; ;; This file is part of guile-neocities. ;; ;; guile-neocities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ;; Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; guile-neocities is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for ;; more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;; with guile-neocities; if not, contact: ;; ;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 ;; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Fax: +1-617-542-2652 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA gnu@gnu.org (define-module (neocities mime) #:export (mime-types)) (define mime-types '(("js" . "application/javascript") ("mjs" . "application/javascript") ("json" . "application/json") ("webmanifest". "application/manifest+json") ("doc" . "application/msword") ("dot" . "application/msword") ("wiz" . "application/msword") ("nq" . "application/n-quads") ("nt" . "application/n-triples") ("bin" . "application/octet-stream") ("a" . "application/octet-stream") ("dll" . "application/octet-stream") ("exe" . "application/octet-stream") ("o" . "application/octet-stream") ("obj" . "application/octet-stream") ("so" . "application/octet-stream") ("oda" . "application/oda") ("pdf" . "application/pdf") ("p7c" . "application/pkcs7-mime") ("ps" . "application/postscript") ("ai" . "application/postscript") ("eps" . "application/postscript") ("trig" . "application/trig") ("m3u" . "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl") ("m3u8" . "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl") ("xls" . "application/vnd.ms-excel") ("xlb" . "application/vnd.ms-excel") ("ppt" . "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") ("pot" . "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") ("ppa" . "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") ("pps" . "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") ("pwz" . "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") ("wasm" . "application/wasm") ("bcpio" . "application/x-bcpio") ("cpio" . "application/x-cpio") ("csh" . "application/x-csh") ("dvi" . "application/x-dvi") ("gtar" . "application/x-gtar") ("hdf" . "application/x-hdf") ("h5" . "application/x-hdf5") ("latex" . "application/x-latex") ("mif" . "application/x-mif") ("cdf" . "application/x-netcdf") ("nc" . "application/x-netcdf") ("p12" . "application/x-pkcs12") ("pfx" . "application/x-pkcs12") ("ram" . "application/x-pn-realaudio") ("pyc" . "application/x-python-code") ("pyo" . "application/x-python-code") ("sh" . "application/x-sh") ("shar" . "application/x-shar") ("swf" . "application/x-shockwave-flash") ("sv4cpio" . "application/x-sv4cpio") ("sv4crc" . "application/x-sv4crc") ("tar" . "application/x-tar") ("tcl" . "application/x-tcl") ("tex" . "application/x-tex") ("texi" . "application/x-texinfo") ("texinfo" . "application/x-texinfo") ("roff" . "application/x-troff") ("t" . "application/x-troff") ("tr" . "application/x-troff") ("man" . "application/x-troff-man") ("me" . "application/x-troff-me") ("ms" . "application/x-troff-ms") ("ustar" . "application/x-ustar") ("src" . "application/x-wais-source") ("xsl" . "application/xml") ("rdf" . "application/xml") ("wsdl" . "application/xml") ("xpdl" . "application/xml") ("zip" . "application/zip") ("3gp" . "audio/3gpp") ("3gpp" . "audio/3gpp") ("3g2" . "audio/3gpp2") ("3gpp2" . "audio/3gpp2") ("aac" . "audio/aac") ("adts" . "audio/aac") ("loas" . "audio/aac") ("ass" . "audio/aac") ("au" . "audio/basic") ("snd" . "audio/basic") ("mp3" . "audio/mpeg") ("mp2" . "audio/mpeg") ("opus" . "audio/opus") ("aif" . "audio/x-aiff") ("aifc" . "audio/x-aiff") ("aiff" . "audio/x-aiff") ("ra" . "audio/x-pn-realaudio") ("wav" . "audio/x-wav") ("avif" . "image/avif") ("bmp" . "image/bmp") ("gif" . "image/gif") ("ief" . "image/ief") ("jpg" . "image/jpeg") ("jpe" . "image/jpeg") ("jpeg" . "image/jpeg") ("heic" . "image/heic") ("heif" . "image/heif") ("png" . "image/png") ("svg" . "image/svg+xml") ("tiff" . "image/tiff") ("tif" . "image/tiff") ("ico" . "image/vnd.microsoft.icon") ("ras" . "image/x-cmu-raster") ("pnm" . "image/x-portable-anymap") ("pbm" . "image/x-portable-bitmap") ("pgm" . "image/x-portable-graymap") ("ppm" . "image/x-portable-pixmap") ("rgb" . "image/x-rgb") ("xbm" . "image/x-xbitmap") ("xpm" . "image/x-xpixmap") ("xwd" . "image/x-xwindowdump") ("eml" . "message/rfc822") ("mht" . "message/rfc822") ("mhtml" . "message/rfc822") ("nws" . "message/rfc822") ("css" . "text/css") ("csv" . "text/csv") ("html" . "text/html") ("htm" . "text/html") ("n3" . "text/n3") ("txt" . "text/plain") ("bat" . "text/plain") ("c" . "text/plain") ("h" . "text/plain") ("ksh" . "text/plain") ("pl" . "text/plain") ("srt" . "text/plain") ("rtx" . "text/richtext") ("tsv" . "text/tab-separated-values") ("vtt" . "text/vtt") ("py" . "text/x-python") ("etx" . "text/x-setext") ("sgm" . "text/x-sgml") ("sgml" . "text/x-sgml") ("vcf" . "text/x-vcard") ("xml" . "text/xml") ("mp4" . "video/mp4") ("mpeg" . "video/mpeg") ("m1v" . "video/mpeg") ("mpa" . "video/mpeg") ("mpe" . "video/mpeg") ("mpg" . "video/mpeg") ("mov" . "video/quicktime") ("qt" . "video/quicktime") ("webm" . "video/webm") ("avi" . "video/x-msvideo") ("movie" . "video/x-sgi-movie")))