(define-module (neocities requests) #:use-module (neocities mime) #:use-module (json) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 iconv) #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports) #:use-module (gcrypt base64) #:use-module (gcrypt random) #:use-module (rnrs base) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:use-module (scheme base) #:use-module (web uri) #:use-module (web client) #:use-module (web response) #:export (neocities-url neocities-request encode-basic-auth-header encode-bearer-auth-header encode-multipart-body)) (define* (neocities-url endpoint #:key (querystring '()) (hostname #f)) (define (encode-querystring querystring) (string-join (map (lambda (x) (let ((key (car x)) (value (cdr x))) (if (list? value) (string-join (map (lambda (y) (string-append (uri-encode key) "[]=" (uri-encode y))) value) "&") (string-append (uri-encode key) "=" (uri-encode value))))) querystring) "&")) ;; This is for testing locally :) #;(build-uri 'http #:host "localhost" #:port 1234 #:path (string-append "/api/" endpoint) #:query (encode-querystring querystring)) (build-uri 'https #:host (or hostname "neocities.org") #:path (string-append "/api/" endpoint) #:query (encode-querystring querystring))) (define (encode-multipart-body files) "files is an alist with the filename and destination" (define (name file) (car file)) (define (destination file) (cdr file)) (define (type file) (let* ((extension (car (last-pair (string-split (name file) #\.)))) (type (assoc-ref mime-types extension))) (if (string? type) type (throw 'neocities "Unknown mime-type")))) (define (encode-file file) (bytevector-append (string->utf8 (string-append "Content-Disposition: form-data;" "filename=\"" (destination file) "\"\r\n" "Content-Type: " (type file) " \r\n\r\n")) (call-with-input-file (name file) get-bytevector-all #:binary #t) (string->utf8 "\r\n"))) (define boundary (string-append "----------------------------------------------------------" (random-token))) (values boundary (apply bytevector-append (map (lambda (file i) (bytevector-append (string->utf8 (string-append boundary "\r\n")) (encode-file file) (if (= (+ i 1) (length files)) (string->utf8 (string-append "\r\n" boundary "--\r\n\r\n")) #vu8()))) files (iota (length files)))))) (define (encode-basic-auth-header username password) (string-append "Basic " (base64-encode (string->utf8 (string-append username ":" password))))) (define (encode-bearer-auth-header apikey) (string-append "Bearer " apikey)) (define* (neocities-request method url #:key (body #f) (auth #f) (content-type #f)) (define (response-error res) `(("response-code" . ,(response-code res)) ("response-phrase" . ,(response-reason-phrase res)) ("response" . ,(if (bytevector? body) (utf8->string body) body)))) (define (response-ok? response) (> 100 (- (response-code response) 200) -1)) (let-values (((response body) (http-request url #:method method #:body body #:version '(1 . 1) #:streaming? #f #:headers (filter identity (list (and content-type `(Content-Type . ,content-type)) (and auth `(Authorization . ,auth)))) #:decode-body? #t))) (if (response-ok? response) (json-string->scm (utf8->string body)) (throw 'neocities (response-error response)))))