(import (scheme char) (chibi) (chibi string) (chibi sxml) (srfi 1) (srfi 41)) (load "glyphs/en.scm") (define a4-size '(297 . 210)) (define a5-size '(210 . 148)) (define a6-size '(148 . 105)) (define a7-size '(105 . 74)) (define page-size a7-size) (define x car) (define y cdr) (define num number->string) (define (mm i) (string-append (num i) "mm")) ; Move this to a configuration file or something (define font-size 6) ;mm (define sticker-radius 4); mm (define style (string-append " text { /*font-family: 'Unifont';*/ font-family: 'B612'; stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.01; } .letter { font-size: "(num font-size)"; fill: white; } .modifier { font-style: italic; font-size: "(num (- font-size 3))"; fill: white; } .cuts { fill: none; stroke-width: 0.1; stroke: grey; } .fn-color{ fill: steelblue; } .brackets-color{ fill: red; } .symbol-color{ fill: lightgreen; } ")) (define (honeycomb sticker-radius top-left bottom-right spacing) "Return a function that generates positions for the stickers of size `sticker-radius` distributed in a box with `top-left` and `bottom-right` corners with `spacing` between them." (let* ((current-x (+ spacing sticker-radius (x top-left))) (current-y (+ spacing sticker-radius (y top-left))) (first #t)) (lambda () (if first (begin (set! first #f) (cons current-x current-y)) (begin (set! current-x (+ spacing current-x (* 2 sticker-radius))) (if (> (+ current-x sticker-radius spacing) (x bottom-right)) (begin (set! current-x (+ spacing sticker-radius (x top-left))) (set! current-y (+ spacing current-y (* 2 sticker-radius))) (if (> (+ current-y sticker-radius spacing) (y bottom-right)) (error "Too many stickers for the provided space")))) (cons current-x current-y)))))) (define (circle cx cy r class) `(circle (@ (cx ,cx) (cy ,cy) (r ,r) (class ,class)))) (define (rounded-rect cx cy w h r class) `(rect (@ (x ,(- cx (/ w 2))) (y ,(- cy (/ h 2))) (width ,w) (height ,h) (rx ,r) (ry ,r) (class ,class)))) (define (text-unpositioned text class) "Returns a `text` object that is defined to be centered vertically and horizontally wrapped in a procedure that must be called to provide it the center position of the text" (lambda (cx cy) `(text (@ (x ,cx) (y ,cy) (class ,class) (text-anchor middle) (dominant-baseline central)) ,text))) (define stickers (let ((pos (honeycomb sticker-radius '(0 . 0) page-size 1))) (map (lambda (contents) (let ((position (pos))) (cons #;(circle (x position) (y position) sticker-radius "cuts") (rounded-rect (x position) (y position) (* 2 sticker-radius) (* 2 sticker-radius) 1 "cuts") (contents (x position) (y position))))) (concatenate (list (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter symbol-color")) symbols) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter")) key-symbols) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter")) letters) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter")) numbers) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "modifier")) modifiers) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter brackets-color")) brackets) ;(map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "modifier fn-color")) fn) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter fn-color")) fn-keys) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter")) extra-sybols) (map (lambda (x) (text-unpositioned x "letter")) punct) ))))) (define cuts (map car stickers)) (define graphics (map cdr stickers)) (define (dump outport) (display "" outport) (display (sxml->xml `(svg (@ (version "1.1") (xmlns:inkscape "http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape") (width ,(mm (x page-size))) (height ,(mm (y page-size))) (viewBox ,(string-append "0 0 " (num (x page-size)) " " (num (y page-size))))) (defs (style ,style)) (g (@ (id cut) (inkscape:groupmode layer) (inkscape:label "Cortes")) ,@cuts) (g (@ (id graph) (inkscape:groupmode layer) (inkscape:label "Gráficos")) ,@graphics))) outport)) (define args (cdr (command-line))) (if (< 0 (length args)) (call-with-output-file (car args) dump) (dump (current-output-port)))