#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec chibi-scheme -A `dirname $0` $0 $@
        (scheme base)
        (srfi 1)
        (srfi 69)
        (srfi 115)
        (chibi app)
        (chibi config)
        (chibi filesystem)
        (chibi process)
        (chibi io)
        (chibi pathname)
        (chibi string)
        (chibi sxml))

; - [X] Read all the locales
; - [ ] Prepare needed variables per file:
;   - [X] List of languages available
;   - [X] Current language
;   - [ ] Current file
;   - [X] Markdown parser
;     - [X] pandoc
;     - [ ] Check how to do it in scheme
;   - [ ] Some more: check schiumato for reference
; - [X] `load` or `eval` files in the created environment and extract their
;   exports to dump them to target folder
; - [ ] deal with input arguments or config, that can be cool for language
;   selection and directory config.
;     - [ ] Move globs to default config stuff.
; - [ ] Make a `new` command that creates the file structure and the default
;   configuration file

(define (string-startswith? str char)
    (string-cursor-start str)
    (string-find str (lambda (y) (char=? y char)))))

; Move this to input/config parameters
(define staticdir "static")
(define templatedir "templates")
(define outdir "www")

(define (md-to-html md-text)
  "Markdown to HTML converter using external Pandoc command"
  (call-with-process-io "pandoc"
    (lambda (pid in out err)
      (display md-text in)
      (close-output-port in)
      (let ((res (port->string out)))
        (waitpid pid 0)

(define (load-templates)
  "Read templates `templatedir`.
  Returns them as a alist where keys are the filename of the template relative
  to the `templatedir` and the values are the contents of the file."
    (lambda (file acc)
      (if (or (string-startswith? (path-strip-directory file) #\.)
              (string-startswith? (path-strip-directory file) #\_))
          (cons (list (path-relative-to file templatedir)
                        (lambda (p)
                          (let loop ((x (read p)))
                            (if (eof-object? x)
                                (cons x (loop (read p))))))))

(define (render-template tpl env)
  "Render one template"
  (let* ((code (let ((codelist (cdr tpl)))
                 (reduce (lambda (x acc)
                           (append x acc))
         (fullcode (append env code)))
    (eval fullcode)))

(define (copy-static)
  "Copy static directory in output directory"
    (lambda (file acc)
      (let ((output (make-path outdir file)))
        (create-directory* (path-directory output))
        (call-with-output-file output
          (lambda (x)
            (send-file file x)))))

(define (include-template name)
  ; TODO make template loader

(define (create-output cfg spec . args)
  "Dumps the templates in the output directory"
  (let ((templates (load-templates)))
    (or (create-directory* outdir) (error "Unable to create output directory"))
    (display "Copying static files...")
    (let* ((env `(let ((include-template ,include-template)))))
        (lambda (x)
          (let ((outfile (make-path outdir (car x))))
            (or (create-directory* (path-directory outfile))
                (error "Unable to create directory"))
              (lambda (f)
                (display (render-template x env) f)))))

     "Schemeato: an easy to translate static site generator"
       (create "Create output from current folder" ,create-output)
       (help "Show this help" (,app-help-command))))
  #;(conf-load "conf.scm"))