# ElenQ Documentation templates `pandoc` templates for ElenQ documents. ## Installation Run `install.sh` script and it'll automagically link all the templates to your `~/.pandoc/templates/` folder. This method doesn't work on a non-Unix-like OS. ### Guix Just use Guix and do it easier: ``` bash guix install -f guix.scm ``` This will install the files where they should be and set `XDG_DATA_HOME` properly. ## Usage Once installed `pandoc` will be aware of the place where the templates are so they can be used directly like: ``` pandoc input.md -o output.pdf --template=elenq-article ``` ### Specific details These templates only work with `pandoc`'s `--latex-engine=xelatex` option. > NOTE: Recent `pandoc` versions changed the name of the option to `--pdf-engine` ### Metadata Templates expect some metadata to be set, no field is mandatory but some can be important (judge yourself): ``` yaml lang: english | spanish | basque | ... title: The title of the document subtitle: The subtitle of the article author: Author's name license: License of the document ``` Templates also accept any metadata valid for Pandoc. > NOTE: Templates automatically put the copyleft symbol in the PDF, they are > only prepared for copyleft licenses. ### Helpful help You'd probably want to create some aliases like these: ``` bash # Pandoc for ElenQ alias pandoc-xelatex="pandoc $@ --pdf-engine=xelatex --to latex -N" alias elenqdoc-article="pandoc-xelatex $@ --standalone --template elenq-article --metadata=documentclass:article" alias elenqdoc-book="pandoc-xelatex $@ --standalone --template elenq-book --metadata=documentclass:book --top-level-division=chapter" ``` ## Editing Just edit the content of the templates as they were LaTeX files. ### Logos The ElenQ Technology logo is embedded inside the templates as a `tikz` image. There's a way to convert from SVG to TikZ you'd probably want to use to change the logo from the templates. https://github.com/kjellmf/svg2tikz ## License This repository is distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.