(define footer " The content of this website is published under the terms of [Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) license unless otherwise stated. ") (define summary (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_summary.md"))) (define philo (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_philosophy.md"))) (define funding (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_funding.md"))) (define books (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_books.md"))) (define python (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_programming_in_python.md"))) (define informatics (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/_whats_informatics.md"))) (load "templates/_defs.scm") (set! lang "en") (sxml->xml (base "ElenQ Publishing" `(,(header `(((name . "Technology") (title . "Engineering - ElenQ Technology") (absurl . "https://elenq.tech/en/index.html")) ((name . "Publishing") (title . "Publishing House - ElenQ Publishing") (absurl . ,(absurl-to-lang "/index.html")) (active . #t))) `(((name . "en") (title . "English") (absurl . "/en/") (active . #t)) ((name . "es") (title . "EspaƱol") (absurl . "/es/")))) (div (@ (class "content container")) ,(logo-title) (section (@ (class summary)) (@raw ,summary)) (section ,(anchored-h 2 "Philosophy" "philosophy") (@raw ,philo)) (section ,(anchored-h 2 "Books" "books") (@raw ,books)) ,(anchored-h 3 "What is informatics" "whats-informatics") (p "This document written by Giacomo Tesio and translated and adapted by Ekaitz Zarraga aims to describe what is informatics from its origins and create debate about the ethics around it and the current uses it has. This book serves as opening and statement of purpose of the whole collection because Giacomo's ideas match perfectly the goals of ElenQ Publishing even if they were developed independently.") (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap")) (@raw ,informatics) ,(book "5px" "/books/What_is_Informatics/es/cover.png" '("type2"))) ,(anchored-h 3 "Programming in Python" "programming-in-python") (p "Written by Ekaitz Zarraga for his courses, this book is a Python programming manual that also describes general programming theory in an introductory level.") (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap")) (@raw ,python) ,(book "13px" "/books/Programming_in_Python/es/cover.png" '("type1"))) (section ,(anchored-h 2 "Funding" "funding") (@raw ,funding))) (footer (@ (class bar-bottom)) (div (@ (class "container text-center")) (h6 "ElenQ Technology") ,(md footer))))))