% Operating systems @inproceedings{ LionsOs:Heiser, address = {Gladstone, QLD, AU}, author = {Gernot Heiser}, booktitle = {Everything Open}, month = apr, organization = {Linux Australia}, title = {{Lions OS}: Secure -- Fast -- Adaptable}, year = {2024} } @misc{ 3L:Hintz, title = {3L: The Computing System of the Future}, author = {Thomas Hintz}, year = 2016, note = {Accessed: 2024-06-20}, howpublished = {\url{https://3lproject.org/}} } @phdthesis{ securityKernelLambda:Rees, title={A security kernel based on the lambda-calculus}, author={Rees, Jonathan A}, year={1995}, school={Massachusetts Institute of Technology} } % Unix @book{ QuarterCenturyUnix:Salus, title={A Quarter Century of UNIX}, author={Peter H. Salus}, year={1994}, isbn={0-201-54777-5}, publisher={Addison-Wesley} } % Problems with the things we use @article{ Threads:Lee, author = {Lee, Edward}, year = {2006}, month = {06}, pages = {33 - 42}, title = {The Problem with Threads}, volume = {39}, journal = {Computer}, doi = {10.1109/MC.2006.180} } @inproceedings{ fork:Baumann, title={A fork () in the road}, author={Baumann, Andrew and Appavoo, Jonathan and Krieger, Orran and Roscoe, Timothy}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems}, pages={14--22}, year={2019} } % Programming languages @article{ lua:Ierusalimschy, abstract = {We discuss the main novelties of the implementation of Lua 5.0: its register-based virtual machine, the new algorithm for optimizing tables used as arrays, the implementation of closures, and the addition of coroutines.}, author = {Ierusalimschy, Roberto and de Figueiredo, Luiz Henrique and Celes, Waldemar}, doi = {10.3217/jucs-011-07-1159}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, keywords = {Language Lua VM}, number = 7, pages = {1159--1176}, title = {The Implementation of Lua 5.0}, url = {http://www.jucs.org/jucs_11_7/the_implementation_of_lua}, volume = 11, year = 2005 } % Computers @inproceedings{ riscvSelfHostingComputer:Somlo, author={Somlo, Gabriel L.}, booktitle={2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)}, title={Toward a Trustable, Self-Hosting Computer System}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={136-143}, keywords={Privacy;Conferences;Supply chains;Hardware;Software;Trojan horses;Computer security}, doi={10.1109/SPW50608.2020.00039} } % https://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~somlo/BTCP/ % ISA design @article{ GeneralPurposeProcessor:Chisnall, author = {Chisnall, David}, title = {There’s No Such Thing as a General-purpose Processor: And the belief in such a device is harmful}, year = {2014}, issue_date = {October 2014}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {12}, number = {10}, issn = {1542-7730}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2685690.2687011}, doi = {10.1145/2685690.2687011}, abstract = {There is an increasing trend in computer architecture to categorize processors and accelerators as "general purpose." Of the papers published at this year’s International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2014), nine out of 45 explicitly referred to general-purpose processors; one additionally referred to general-purpose FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), and another referred to general-purpose MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data) supercomputers, stretching the definition to the breaking point. This article presents the argument that there is no such thing as a truly general-purpose processor and that the belief in such a device is harmful.}, journal = {Queue}, month = {oct}, pages = {20–25}, numpages = {6} }