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Often, this list is too long, and will overlap %% other information printed in the page headers. This command allows %% the author to define a more concise list %% of authors' names for this purpose. \renewcommand{\shortauthors}{Zárraga Río E.} %% The abstract is a short summary of the work to be presented in the %% article. \begin{abstract} %% TODO Computing, as any other field, evolved from the previous work on the matter. During its development huge advancements have been done in many areas but only some are in use today, due to the inertia industry already had, which forced some sort of retrocompatibility. In this document a new computing platform is presented, one that makes use of some of the ideas that did not reach the mainstream and uses our current computing capabilities in order to achieve a personal computing device that embraces the programming language. \end{abstract} %% Document outline: %% - Motivation: Simplification as a mean for more efficient computing and %% a more accessible manufacture. Modern computing systems are so complex %% that they require very good manufacturing to deal with the excessive %% computing waste. %% Also, maintenance should be reduced as much as possible, even leaving it %% in the hands of the user, as Oberon would, reducing the impact of the %% repairs, upgrades, and computing infrastructure needed for simple tasks. %% - Kernels, Unix %% - Interpreters %% - Shells %% - Are interpreters a kernel? %% - Removing layers instead of adding layers %% - Unikernels: Good idea but miss the target. %% Keywords. The author(s) should pick words that accurately describe %% the work being presented. Separate the keywords with commas. \keywords{Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Interpreters} %% A "teaser" image appears between the author and affiliation %% information and the body of the document, and typically spans the %% page. %% \begin{teaserfigure} %% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sampleteaser} %% \caption{Seattle Mariners at Spring Training, 2010.} %% \Description{Enjoying the baseball game from the third-base %% seats. Ichiro Suzuki preparing to bat.} %% \label{fig:teaser} %% \end{teaserfigure} %% Dates for the article %% \received{20 February 2007} %% \received[revised]{12 March 2009} %% \received[accepted]{5 June 2009} %% This command processes the author and affiliation and title %% information and builds the first part of the formatted document. \maketitle \section{Context} %% We need to understand context ... All engineering decisions are taken in a context and those that are adopted by any industry are oftentimes driven by previous decisions taken in the same subject. Specifically, the computing industry, arguably due to its rapid emergence, has been heavily influenced by previous technology and \textit{backwards compatibility}. Reviewing the most influential ideas of computing one can obtain valuable information to be able to criticise current computing systems and propose pioneering alternatives. \subsection{Von Neumann model} The von Neummann model introduced in 1945 proposes a general purpose device consisting of a \textit{Central Processing Unit} (CPU) and a \textit{Store}. The \textit{Store} is often implemented as a \textit{Random Access Memory} (RAM or, simply, \textit{memory}), which stores data in bytes, each of them with an \textit{address}, in a tabulated fashion. In the von Neumann model the data and the program are both written to and read from the \textit{Store}. This arrangement had carried criticism over the years but it is also a fundamental part of how modern Operating Systems work. \subsection{Unix's heritage} \epigraph{ Applicants must also have extensive knowledge of Unix, although they should have sufficiently good programming taste to not consider this an achievement. }{\textit{-- Hal Abelson}} Since its inception, Unix was a huge innovation in Operating Systems market. Its main features include \textit{multitasking} and \textit{multi-user} support, a programming interface, \textit{files as abstractions} for devices and other objects and a powerful \textit{shell} that facilitates program composition. \subsubsection{The Kernel} In the Unix model, the Kernel, the core of the Operating System, is responsible for managing the hardware resources. For that job, it uses several concepts that systems designers and programmers are familiarized with and are discouraged to change. Those include \textit{virtual memory}, \textit{processes}, \textit{shared-memory threads}, \textit{hierarchical filesystems} and \textit{system calls}. \subsubsection{The Shell} The shell is run as a userspace program that has the hability to launch other programs using an outdated fork+exec mechanism that encourages memory overshoot\cite{fork:Baumann}. The shell in Unix systems is optimized for text processing as, in McIlroy's words, \textit{"text streams [are] the universal interface"} \cite{QuarterCenturyUnix:Salus}. \subsubsection{Userspace programs} Programs are loaded in and given access to \textit{virtual memory}, and they can only run a subset of the CPU instructions of the machine, the \textit{unprivileged} set. For restricted operations, programs need to call the \textit{Kernel} using a \textit{system-call} that can be accepted or rejected by the latter, according to some rules for \textit{permissions} or resource availability. In order to achieve multitasking, many programs can be loaded in memory (\textit{processes}) simultaneously and the \textit{Kernel} \textit{schedules} which of the them will run at a given moment in time and pauses the rest accordingly. % ELF/Mach-O/EXE -> the kernel acts as an interpreter for them. % Virtual memory separates one program from another. % The CPU helps with that. % Each program is a process (invented concept) % Each process can launch threads \cite{Threads:Lee} \paragraph{Concurrency} If programs need to operate concurrently they can create many \textit{processes} or use \textit{threads}. A \textit{thread} is a lightweight version of a \textit{process} that shares the memory with the \textit{process} that created it. Resource sharing in a concurrent system has many security and reliability implications, and has proven to be a difficult subject for computer programmers over the years \cite{Threads:Lee}. \subsubsection{Interpreters} Interpreters, like one in the \textit{shell}, are a fundamental part of modern day programming. Interpreters are run as userspace programs, acting as a \textit{host} for the program they interpret. The interpreter effectively hides the details of the Operating System, often even implementing a virtual machine for that job, in order to provide \textit{portability} and \textit{usability} to the programmers. That is why the most used and demanded programming languages nowadays are interpreted \cite{PLCommunity:Tambad}. % Unix was marketed as a system for multiple languages / supports many % languages via interpreters that ease the development experience. Describe how % they work and why they are useful % Interpreters are programs that run in userspace \subsection{Computer hardware} Computer processors, often marketed as "\textit{general purpose}", are based on the von Newmann model\cite{LiberateFromVonNeumann:Backus}, a CPU and a Store that is, and designed for running an Operating System on them. They clearly separate \textit{privileged}, reserved for the kernel, and \textit{unprivileged} instructions, that any userspace program can use, in order to facilitate \textit{system-calls} and \textit{interrupt} and \textit{virtual memory} control. Contrary to what one could expect, most of the improvements in the processor architectures come from specialization for the said case, and not from generalization. Modern processors are heavily optimized for Operating Systems that follow the Unix model (including MS Windows), and a memory layout that resembles that of a \textit{C-like} program, which also comes from the days of Unix \cite{GeneralPurposeProcessor:Chisnall}, reducing the chance for other paradigms to succeed. \section{Embracing the language} %% TODO: embracing the language means embracing the people From what we just discussed we can see most interesting things in Unix's ideas are dangerous from von Neumann to shared-resource concurrency and others are not comfortable for programmers, who prefer to use interpreted languages instead as the abstractions they provide are easier to deal with. But CPUs are optimized for the Unix case, instead of embracing the facilities the programmers prefer to use. \subsection{Personal computers} %% TODO: What's `personal` in personal computer? embrace the user-programmer %% TODO: make sure dates are right Personal computers like those before the late 90s were simple. A user could maintain them and even manipulate the electronics. The introduction of larger RAM memories and more complex CPUs, made the personal computing industry pivot towards Unix-based operating systems, as they were proven to work in complex scenarios. This shift contributed to the extinction of many \textit{simple} operating systems that flourished during the previous era but facilitated the galloping increase personal computing specs of the 90s and beginning of the 2000s, doubling in performance every 2 years\cite{EvolutionComputing:Larus}. %% TODO graphical user interfaces hid the programming part Graphical User Interfaces, \textit{GUI}, became widespread with the introduction of the Apple Macintosh computer in the early 1980s. This user interface change made computers accessible and useful to many more people\cite{EvolutionComputing:Larus} but at the expense of the access to lower level capabilities, as \textit{protecting the user}, and the computing literacy that traditional text-oriented usage encouraged. %% TODO: explain the GUI apparition and how before everyone was a vernacular %% programmer and now it's not like that %% TODO: if we want to improve the connection with the vernacular programmer, %% we need to ask ourselves: what's a language? \cite{MythsPL:Shaw} For \textit{vernacular programmers}, because they represent the vast majority of programmers \cite{MythsPL:Shaw}: simplicity (few concepts), explorability (repl), flexible, practical, also valid for professional programmers, extendable, can represent other kind of goals like \textit{HDLs} and even \textit{data} via DSLs. Operating systems like Oberon \cite{Oberon:Wirth} blur the line between \textit{GUI}s and programming, making them work together instead of hiding the programming part of the system, while keeping a simple core in its design that keeps the system maintainable. \subsection{Operating System} \subsubsection{No kernel/interpreter separation} \subsubsection{No threads/processes but tasks} \subsubsection{No virtual memory} \subsubsection{Capability based security "lambda-style"} Reduces the amount of permission issues inherited from von Neumann style and Unix. \subsection{CPU} \subsubsection{Optimization for tree structures} \subsubsection{Hardware garbage collection} \subsubsection{Extendable CPU} \cite{riscvSelfHostingComputer:Somlo} %% The acknowledgments section is defined using the "acks" environment %% (and NOT an unnumbered section). This ensures the proper %% identification of the section in the article metadata, and the %% consistent spelling of the heading. %% \begin{acks} %% To Robert, for the bagels and explaining CMYK and color spaces. %% \end{acks} %% The next two lines define the bibliography style to be used, and %% the bibliography file. \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} \bibliography{../../bibliography} %% If your work has an appendix, this is the place to put it. %% \appendix \end{document} \endinput