; https://xn--rpa.cc/irl/term.html
(define-module (depre main)
#:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports))
;; Random seed
(set! *random-state* (random-state-from-platform))
;; Code makes heavy use of functional code and parameters for state.
(define max-100 (lambda (x) (if (> x 100) 100 x)))
(define %depression (make-parameter 50 max-100))
(define %tiredness (make-parameter 50 max-100))
(define (nth n lst)
(if (> n (length lst))
(error "Chosen element longer than provided list")
(let loop ((lst lst)
(n n))
(if (= 1 n)
(car lst)
(loop (cdr lst) (- n 1))))))
;; Function combinations: they define the state transitions
(define (combine . functions)
"Calls given functions in given order."
(lambda ()
(let loop ((fs functions))
(when (not (null? fs))
((car fs))
(loop (cdr fs))))))
;; Transition by chance, according to the state
;; Example:
;; - You are too tired for that, so you do this instead
;; - Or you actually do it
(define (f-or-tired f tired)
(lambda ()
(if (< (random 100) (%tiredness)) (f) (tired))))
(define (f-or-depressed f depressed)
(lambda ()
(if (< (random 100) (%depression)) (f) (depressed))))
;; State alteration functions for easy access
(define (tire)
(lambda () (%tiredness (+ (%tiredness) 5))))
(define (rest)
(lambda () (%tiredness (- (%tiredness) 5))))
(define (depress)
(lambda () (%depression (+ (%depression) 5))))
(define (cheer-up)
(lambda () (%depression (- (%depression) 5))))
;; Simple I/O
(define (answer message)
(lambda ()
(display message)
(get-line (current-input-port))))
(define (bar percent)
"A simple 12 character bar for life-like variable representation"
(define len 22)
(lambda (x)
((= x 0) #\[)
((= x (- len 1)) #\])
((>= (/ percent (/ 100 len)) x) #\=)
(else #\space)))
(define (read-number)
(string->number (get-line (current-input-port))))
;; Basic state representation and creation: A state is a function that knows
;; how to jump to other states through a menu.
(define* (state heading menu #:optional (hide-status #f))
(lambda ()
(when (not hide-status)
(display "Depression:\t")
(display (bar (%depression)))
(display "Tiredness:\t")
(display (bar (%tiredness))))
(display heading)
(map (lambda (opt num)
(display (string-append " " (number->string num) "- " (car opt)))
menu (iota (length menu) 1))
(display "You choose > ")
(let loop ((chosen (read-number)))
(if (and (number? chosen) (<= chosen (length menu)))
((cdr (nth chosen menu)))
(display "Wrong answer. Try again > ")
(loop (read-number)))))))
;; States:
;; Some macro magic for indirection that enables recursion.
;; I don't really know how it works (yet!)
(define %states (make-hash-table))
(define-macro (register-state name f)
`(hash-set! %states ,name ,f))
(define-macro (to-state name)
`(lambda () ((hash-ref %states ,name))))
(state "It's early in the morning. You have time to do whatever you want right now. What do you want to do?"
(cons "Work."
(cons "Relax."
(state "It's late in the morning. You still have some time before having lunch. What do you want to do?"
(list (cons "nope" (rest)))))
(state "Good morning. It's time to wake up, what do you want to do?"
(list (cons "Wake up and start your day."
(answer "You just woke up, had your shower, had some breakfast and now you are ready for anything.")
(to-state 'morning-1))
(answer "You are too tired for waking up now. You stay at bed instead and your day starts in mid morning.")
(to-state 'morning-2))))
(cons "Stay in bed"
(answer "You rest for a little bit more, but you feel bad because you have a hard time waking up like a normal person")
(to-state 'morning-2))))))
(state "Hi, game starts"
(cons "Start game"
(answer "Let's start, then. Press [ENTER] to continue.")
(to-state 'wake-up)))
(cons "Quit game"
(answer "Good bye!")))
((to-state 'start))