path: root/content/bootstrapGcc/
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authorEkaitz Zarraga <>2022-04-09 14:12:42 +0200
committerEkaitz Zarraga <>2022-04-09 14:12:42 +0200
commit1cc4feb58b82a98b8abf476b063c4affca36fa1e (patch)
tree9c93e700e5a57cfa1a2f55449fd57bd0d480cef0 /content/bootstrapGcc/
parent57ebc576bf74ca887f9c77cb6b7771b9ff2b1843 (diff)
first working compiler NLNET FTW!
Diffstat (limited to 'content/bootstrapGcc/')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..f632942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/bootstrapGcc/
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+Title: Milestone — Minimal RISC-V support in GCC 4.6.4
+Date: 2022-04-08
+Tags: Bootstrapping GCC in RISC-V
+Slug: bootstrapGcc3
+Lang: en
+ Description of the changes for a minimal RISC-V support in GCC-4.6.4 and
+ how did I reach this point.
+In the [series]({tag}Bootstrapping GCC in RISC-V) we already introduced GCC,
+its internals, and the work I'm doing to make it able to bootstrap on RISC-V.
+In this post we are going to tackle the backporting effort and see how I
+managed to make GCC-4.6.4 compile a simple program to RISC-V.
+### How to follow this post
+As this is going to be deeply connected to the changes I introduced in the
+codebase, I suggest you to follow it directly in [the
+repository](, the branch where I did the
+changes is `riscv`, which starts from `releases/gcc-4.6.4`. As I will continue
+adding changes on top of this, I left [a tag called `minimal-compiler`][tag]
+that points to the contents of the repository when this blog post was written.
+In any case, I'll share small pieces of the code in the post, but of course I
+can't share everything here so I recommend you to go to the sources. I won't
+link the sources directly but mention where you can find the changes so you are
+not forced to follow all the links in the browser and you can use your favorite
+editor for that.
+### Overview of the commits
+The `riscv` branch were I made all the work is split in several commits from
+`releases/gcc-4.6.4`, where it started.
+First it comes a series of 4 commits that make GCC-4.6.4 compilable with more
+recent toolchains. These should be separated as independent patches later and
+apply them by the distribution tool, Guix in this case.
+Next a couple of commits describe a precarious `guix.scm` file that should
+compile the project properly. At the moment it's not fully ready for
+distribution but that's not really our job in the project, so I don't want to
+spend a lot of time on that yet. At the moment it's just working so you can run
+`guix build -f guix.scm` from the project directory and it should build a
+minimal compiler, as we'll see later. There's also a `channels.scm` file, so
+you can use the exact packages I used thanks to the very powerfull `guix
+time-machine` command and replicate my exact build.
+Even if I didn't want to spend a long time with the Guix package, I'd lie to
+you if I tell you I didn't. Compiling legacy software is extremely difficult.
+In this case, I had to patch the code to be compatible with more modern GCC
+Toolchains, package an old `flex`, choose lots of configure time options...
+Still, there are tons of things missing: there's no C++ support, the package
+doesn't find system's libraries such as glibc and it's not integrated with
+system's binutils. I don't know how I'm going to fix that to be honest, but I
+don't want to think on that right now.
+The next commits are what interests us the most: changes on top of GCC.
+The first of them[^port] is just the RISC-V port commit from upstream GCC
+applied on top of the project, being a little bit careful about
+conflicts[^conflicts]. Obviously, this change doesn't really work, it doesn't
+even compile, but it serves us to see which changes were needed on top of it.
+[^port]: `06166d9e5ff121fd3dfd6c0995621e557a023ef0`
+[^conflicts]: I screwed the ChangeLog files anyway LOL.
+In the next commit[^md-files] I made a high-level fix on the Machine
+Description files. If you remember from the [post about GCC
+internals]({filename}, the machine description files are some
+kind of Lisp-like files that describe both the translations between GIMPLE and
+RTL and also between RTL and assembly, among other things. In this commit I
+just removed some of the RTXs that were not available back in the 4.6.4 days
+but were in use in the port. I'm talking, more specifically, about
+`define_int_iterator` and `define_int_attr`. Thankfully they were just a
+couple of loops that were easy to unroll by hand. Not a big deal.
+[^md-files]: `af295d607786f96b4e8f2e35f41ca34820a9aacb`
+Then, I made a larger commit that tries to fix the rest of the
+`gcc/config/riscv` folder[^large-commit]. In this one I had two goals: make the
+port compatible with the old C-based API and remove parts that weren't strictly
+necessary but complex to keep. This means I removed all the builtins support so
+I didn't need to port them (nice trick, huh?) and I kept the code related with
+memory models out of the equation. I may need to fix that in the future, but I
+was looking for a minimal support and I didn't need that for my goal.
+[^large-commit]: `14577a05e3d64c9e2a05e8f0ff1f8965ddb27b68`
+After that I tried to compile the project and run it, but I realized there was
+a problem with the argument handling of the compiler. It was unable to find
+arguments like `-march` and it was always failing to compile anything.
+I realized there was a weird file at `gcc/common/config/riscv/riscv-common.c`
+that looked like it was handling input arguments, so I focused on porting that
+one too. It happens that the old GCC didn't have that code structure:
+everything was done in `gcc/config/` back then, so I moved the support and
+made the argument handling follow the old API. That's the last commit of the
+[^last-commit]: `2b97a03a443fe8e408d7129bce9658032d0d9cd2`
+### Deep diving
+Now I'll try to explain the changes I made in the code here and there, but
+first I have to explain the method I followed to make this.
+It might be surprising but for the first time I didn't try to understand
+everything but work my way through it. This means I have absolutely no clue
+about what does the code do in most of the places[^guilt]. I just looked the
+overall shape of it and try to match that shape with the code found in other
+architecture, mostly MIPS, which the RISC-V support was based on. If I found
+anything that I didn't know how to convert I would read how that thing was
+implemented on MIPS when the RISC-V support was added and then compare that
+implementation with the one at 4.6.4. That would give me an idea about how to
+convert to the old way to make things.
+[^guilt]: And I'm trying not to feel guilty for it.
+So, yeah, most of the coding was a mental exercise of pattern matching code and
+conversion. There are very few things that I coded myself, like understanding
+what I was doing deeply.
+This doesn't really mean you don't need any knowledge to do this. Of course you
+do. You need to understand what the code does in a very high-level, and know
+how targets are described in GCC[^gcc-course], but you don't really need to
+know each function to the detail.
+Sadly, in some cases I had to read functions carefully and understand them, so
+there's some knowledge needed, still.
+[^gcc-course]: There's a great set of [videos about GCC at the GCC Resource
+ Center]( They
+ specifically talk about GCC 4.6! I watched them before going for the code and
+ they helped me a lot to understand how was the code organized and how did GCC
+ work. I recommend them a lot.
+#### First patch set
+The first patch set is not really relevant. I just made it while I was trying
+to compile the project without changes. The compilation ended with errors, I
+reviewed them, go to the GCC issue tracker and search. In some cases I was
+lucky that I found a patch that fixed them, in others I only found suggestions
+and I had to fix the thing myself. Not really interesting, honestly.
+#### The Guix package
+The Guix part in `guix.scm` is not really interesting neither, at least for the
+moment. The most interesting part might be the addition of `flex-2.5` to the
+input and the use of `local-file` as a source for the GCC package[^efraim].
+[^efraim]: This `local-file` thing I learned from Efraim Flashner, currently a
+ Guix maintainer, who gave a talk called "Compile it with Guix" where he
+ introduces this method. Sadly, I can't find the talk in the web to link you
+ to it.
+All the rest is playing around with the configure flags and trying to read
+Guix's GCC packages and [Janneke's work with the full-source
+Even with all that, there are some things missing, so I have to come back to
+this in the future.
+There is, though, a really interesting point to take in account. We already
+said in the [post about GCC internals]({filename} that GCC is
+a driver that calls other programs, such as `as` and `ld` from GNU Binutils, so
+we know we only need the very basics in order to test that our compiler can
+output RISC-V assembly so we can ignore the rest of things and focus on one
+thing: I'm talking, of course, about `cc1`, the C compiler.
+That's why I only set the target to `all-gcc` and focus on that. Later we'll
+need to dig deeper.
+One of the issues I'll have to tackle is that the GCC I'm building is a
+cross-compiler, but this whole project is being developed for a RISC-V target.
+This doesn't let the compiler check itself using the staged approach[^staged],
+which is something I'm interested on watching.
+[^staged]: This process is that you compile GCC with the compiler you had
+ (stage-1), then the resulting GCC compiles itself (stage-2), and the
+ resulting GCC compiles itself again (stage-3). One way to make sure
+ everything is correct is to compare the binary of the stage-2 and the
+ stage-3. If they are the same, there are chances that our code is correct.
+ If they are different, our code is wrong. GCC's compilation framework does
+ this automatically (if `--disable-bootstrap` is not set) but, you can't do it
+ when cross-compiling, because there's no way to run the stage-1 compiler. I
+ would like to see the result of this process, but I can't at the moment.
+Once the proper `guix.scm` file is generated, I'll prepare a package for the
+RISC-V bootstrapping process. In that package I'll define the first 4 commits
+as separate patches to apply on top of the source, but I'll remove them from
+the original source. That way the codebase will continue to be compatible with
+old toolchains and we'll only apply those patches where needed, that is, when
+we try to build with more recent environments.
+#### Machine Description files
+The machine description files did not change that much during the years. Some
+extra constructs were added but the idea, the goal and the shape of the files
+didn't really change.
+As we introduced already, the RISC-V port used `define_int_iterator` constructs
+in order to simplify some of the work, repeating pieces of the machine
+description file according to the integer iterator. Back in GCC 4.6.4 that
+construct was not available so I unrolled the loop by hand following the
+example at the GCC documentation:
+Simply repeat the structures (unroll them) using the value of the iterators and
+use the `define_int_attr` to set some of the fields too. The example in the
+docs gives a good description on how to do it.
+On the other hand, I also found that the RTLs at RISC-V port were using
+`simple-return` in some places and I realized that didn't exist in the past. I
+replaced that with `return`, hoping that it was the same, but I don't remember
+if I reasoned further[^see]. In any case, you can take a look into
+`gcc/rtl.def`[^def] and see how `SIMPLE_RETURN` was added later.
+[^see]: See? That's why I try to write blog posts about the things I do, that
+ way I don't forget things. It was too late for this.
+[^def]: These `.def` files are a lot of fun in GCC's codebase. They appear
+ really often. They are files that look like a bunch of similar function calls
+ but what they actually are macro calls. Then, this files are `#include`d
+ into another file right after the macro is defined so they generate code.
+ Later, you can redefine the macro to create some other output and `#include`
+ them again so they'll always generate coherent code. This is used a lot on
+ enums and switch-case statements, if you want them both to be coherent, you
+ can move them to a `.def` file, define all the possible values of the enum
+ there, and generate first the enum with the first `#include` and later the
+ switch-case with a new `#include` later. Take a look to `gcc/rtl.c` and
+ you'll see what I mean. (Yes I know this is like hardcore magic and it's hard
+ to understand, I didn't choose to do this).
+#### Matching the API
+There are other more meaningful changes. The large commit[^large-commit] is
+full of changes related with the conversion back to the C API.
+The most obvious ones are converting from `rtx_insn *` to `rtx`, and
+adding/removing machine modes where needed. It was just a matter of searching
+the functions being used in the MIPS target and trying to match them. Boring,
+and probably wrong in a couple of places, but looks like it's working, I don't
+know. Examples:
+``` diff
+- emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (target, src));
++ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, target, src));
+``` diff
+- op = plus_constant (Pmode, UNSPEC_ADDRESS (base), INTVAL (offset));
++ op = plus_constant (UNSPEC_ADDRESS (base), INTVAL (offset));
+There were a couple of functions using a small class called `cumulative_args_t`
+that it was easy to convert to `CUMULATIVE_ARGS *` just removing calls to
+`get_cumulative_args` and `pack_cumulative_args`. In C everything is rougher
+and low level. Thankfully in this case, the low level API was still present so
+we could just use that instead of the new C++ one, and removing the abstraction
+level was trivial. See `riscv_setup_incoming_varargs` in
+`gcc/config/riscv/riscv.c` as an example. There might be some things wrong, but
+it looks reasonable.
+There were also a couple of `std::swap` calls here and there I needed to get
+rid of. I made a temporary variable and made the swap by hand in the classic
+Some other changes were harder to spot. Like these:
+``` diff
+ || !TYPE_MIN_VALUE (index)
+- || !tree_fits_uhwi_p (TYPE_MIN_VALUE (index))
+- || !tree_fits_uhwi_p (elt_size))
++ || !host_integerp(TYPE_MIN_VALUE (index),0)
++ || !host_integerp(elt_size,0))
+ return -1;
+- n_elts = 1 + tree_to_uhwi (TYPE_MAX_VALUE (index))
+- - tree_to_uhwi (TYPE_MIN_VALUE (index));
++ n_elts = 1 + TREE_INT_CST_LOW(TYPE_MAX_VALUE (index))
+All those functions and macros are pretty different, but they happen to be more
+or less the same. What I did here was: read the newer MIPS implementation, try
+to find those and then go back in time to the old MIPS implementation and see
+what they were using instead. It wasn't obvious at the beginning so I read the
+definitions of all of those things (ctags for the win!) and I even had to
+define some like `sext_hwi`, which I added to `gcc/hwint.h` like I could.
+#### The include dance
+If you check the changes on the top of `gcc/config/riscv/riscv.c`, you'll see
+there are a lot of `#include`s removed and some new ones are added. This is
+normal, as the older C API was very different to the newer C++ one, but also
+because many of these includes were not really used inside of the code. First I
+reviewed which files did exist but later just copied from MIPS and rearranged
+until the thing compiled.
+#### Crazy changes and inventions
+Some other changes were crazier. I had to add the `riscv_cpu_cpp_builtins`
+which was defined in `gcc/config/riscv/riscv-c.c` but I had no way to make it
+work so I copied what was done in other places and made it a huge macro, added
+it to `gcc/config/riscv/riscv.h` and prayed. The compiler was happy with that
+change, and I was too. That let me remove the `riscv-c.c` file from the
+compilation process, even if it's still included in the repository (yeah, I
+The `riscv.h` file has some other magic tricks too. The `ASM_SPEC` is a lot of
+fun now. Basically a copy of somewhere else, because defining the craziest
+macro I've seen in my life was too much for me:
+``` diff
+#define ASM_SPEC "\
+ %(subtarget_asm_debugging_spec) \
+-%{" FPIE_OR_FPIC_SPEC ":-fpic} \
+ %{march=*} \
+ %{mabi=*} \
+ %(subtarget_asm_spec)"
+Wanna see the macro? Well you asked for it (this is just half of it):
+``` c
+#define NO_PIE_SPEC "no-pie|static"
+#define PIE_SPEC NO_PIE_SPEC "|r|shared:;"
+#define NO_FPIE1_SPEC "fno-pie"
+#define FPIE1_SPEC NO_FPIE1_SPEC ":;"
+#define NO_FPIE2_SPEC "fno-PIE"
+#define FPIE2_SPEC NO_FPIE2_SPEC ":;"
+#define FPIE_SPEC NO_FPIE_SPEC ":;"
+#define NO_FPIC1_SPEC "fno-pic"
+#define FPIC1_SPEC NO_FPIC1_SPEC ":;"
+#define NO_FPIC2_SPEC "fno-PIC"
+#define FPIC2_SPEC NO_FPIC2_SPEC ":;"
+#define FPIC_SPEC NO_FPIC_SPEC ":;"
+Well anyway, more things were basically made up like that, like these lines in
+``` diff
+- do { \
+- } while (0)
+``` diff
+ %{!shared: \
+ %{!static: \
+ %{rdynamic:-export-dynamic} \
+- -dynamic-linker " GNU_USER_DYNAMIC_LINKER "} \
++ -dynamic-linker " LINUX_DYNAMIC_LINKER "} \
+ %{static:-static}}"
+I just copied from other places because there were absolutely no references to
+those macros, so... I thought the best way to do this was to copy what other
+targets did.
+Of course this whole thing is not really tested right now, because this affects
+how the linker is called, but that was broken anyway because of my distribution
+of choice (Guix I love you but...) so what could I do? Just make them up and
+fix them later sounded like a good plan.
+As I already mentioned, I left builtins and memory models out of the equation.
+Just commented them out and hoped everything worked properly for small
+programs. I will try larger programs later.
+#### Argument handling
+The last commit[^last-commit] was a little bit hard to do too, the changes
+related to this one were adding a file that was completely out of place, as we
+said earlier, so I reviewed other architectures and found how those
+architectures dealt with this. First, the API was pretty different so the first
+thing I made was to make the function's formal arguments fit those on the API
+and then started making changes.
+It was really hard to realize how the `MASK_*` macros worked just looking to
+the code, because there were defined nowhere!
+The problem was I wasn't looking in the correct place. More code generation
+magic! The `gcc/config/riscv/riscv.opt` file is what handles all those masks
+and `TARGET_*` macros, like `TARGET_MUL` to check if the target has the
+multiplication plugin. All those were defined there, even if the definition was
+obscure and hard to match with anything else in the code[^hard-to-match].
+Once that was understood everything else was easier to do, "just follow MIPS
+and you'll be fine" I told myself, and it worked. Moved everything to `riscv.c`
+where all the other target description macros and functions are defined and...
+Boom! Working compiler.
+[^hard-to-match]: I say "hard to match" because searching for `TARGET_MUL` or
+ `MASK_MUL` gave **NO** results, and searching for `MUL` gave too many.
+### Result
+With all these changes is now possible to generate a minimal compiler and
+compile a file. As we said, we are only interested on the C to assembly
+conversion at the moment, and that's what we have and nothing else.
+Taking the project as it is right now you can run:
+``` bash
+$ guix build -f guix.scm
+So you'll get something like this:
+code {
+ line-height: 1;
+``` bash
+$ tree /gnu/store/l612a4h9a6l4hs7kq49rph4clwf6l2k5-gcc-4.6.4-HEAD
+├── bin
+│ ├── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-cpp
+│ ├── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc
+│ ├── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-4.6.4
+│ └── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcov
+├── etc
+│ └──
+├── libexec
+│ └── gcc
+│ └── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu
+│ └── 4.6.4
+│ ├── cc1
+│ ├── collect2
+│ ├── install-tools
+│ │ ├── fixincl
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ ├── mkheaders
+│ │ └── mkinstalldirs
+│ └── lto-wrapper
+├── riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu
+│ └── lib
+└── share
+16 directories, 28 files
+If you want to try it, you can generate an extremely simple C file and give it
+a go:
+``` bash
+$ cat <<END > hello.c
+int main (int argc, char * argv[]){
+ return 19;
+$ /gnu/store/...-gcc-4.6.4-HEAD/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -S hello.c
+$ cat hello.s
+.file "hello.c"
+ .option nopic
+ .text
+ .align 1
+ .globl main
+ .type main, @function
+ add sp,sp,-32
+ sd s0,24(sp)
+ add s0,sp,32
+ mv a5,a0
+ sd a1,-32(s0)
+ sw a5,-20(s0)
+ li a5,19
+ mv a0,a5
+ ld s0,24(sp)
+ add sp,sp,32
+ jr ra
+ .size main, .-main
+ .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.6.4"
+This can be later assembled and linked using binutils with not much
+trouble, as we might have introduced in the past.
+### Conclusion
+The process as you can see is pretty much a pattern matching exercise, as I
+already mentioned in the beginning. Of course there were some places where I
+needed to review the different APIs and their implementation, but those were
+just a few. Not bad. We made this "work" in a short period of time and it looks
+pretty well.
+Now I need to test this further, make more complex programs and try it, but
+it's actually very difficult to do with the current compilation process because
+the standard C library is not found correctly and the assembler and the linker
+have to be dealt with independently. This means I need to fix the context
+first and then review the compiler itself.
+On the other hand, the memory model related code, the builtins and the code I
+basically made up are worrying part of the project, because they might be a
+point of failure in the future. If they work only for optimizations and
+multithreading, that might not be an issue, because I don't know how much of
+that is used in the GCC version we are going to compile with this compiler.
+Remember our backport's only goal is to compiler a more recent GCC with it, so
+we don't really need to care about other programs.
+I already asked some people[^people] about the memory model parts and I got a
+very simple solution from them (basically forget about the memory models and
+always make a `fence` before and after synchronization code), so that's going
+to be solved for the next post, and I can always review the builtins later if I
+need them.
+[^people]: I asked Andrew Waterman himself (one of the authors of RISC-V, and
+ the current maintainer of the RISC-V GCC target). Yep, and he actually
+ answered.
+The rest of the code looks like it would work in more complex cases, but still
+this needs proper testing and I need to be able to include the standard C
+library for that.
+### Reviewing the code
+Of course, we are going to find bugs, and I did find some bugs in the
+development of the process. The code review is really hard to do so it's better
+to use tricks and magic.
+First of all, we need some debug symbols for `gdb` to find where the errors are
+and be able to debug them properly. The defined Guix package has a
+strip-binaries step that moves all the debug symbols to a separate folder:
+``` bash
+$ guix build -f guix.scm
+The `debug` directory there contains the debug symbols of the binaries so we
+can just call `gdb` and then use the `symbol-file` command to load the debug
+symbols associated with the program itself.
+It is important to note that loading the `gcc` binary is a problem because it
+is a driver that `exec`s other binaries, so the errors can't be really followed
+properly. It's better to choose the specific program we want to debug, normally
+This happened to be extremely important because I forgot to convert one
+function to the old API and it was giving a segmentation fault. Using the GNU
+Debugger I found the source of the error and I just replaced formal arguments
+with the proper ones.
+### Last words
+So, all that being said, we covered the changes, the possible problems, how to
+debug and what's coming next. That was basically it.
+If you have any question, suggestion, comment, or anything you want to share
+about this, contact me[^contact]. I'd be very happy to discuss.
+From here, the plan is to review what I already did, test more complex software
+and share the results with you and also try to make the compilation process
+more reasonable. I hope it's easier to do than it looks.
+Wish me luck.
+[^contact]: You can find my contact info in the [About
+ page](/pages/about.html).