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authorEkaitz Zarraga <>2021-05-28 21:36:33 +0200
committerEkaitz Zarraga <>2021-05-28 21:36:33 +0200
commit1e9a20f654abbace9e687457d50c338db6266f90 (patch)
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parent9ff16f6d45440ad1343362b323ca47ae99b629f4 (diff)
Update recent posts
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+Title: RISC-V Adventures: Migrating Lightening
+Date: 2021-05-19
+Slug: lightening
+Lang: en
+ The Migration of Lightening, the code generation library used in
+ Guile Scheme, and other adventures on the low level world of RISC-V.
+In [the latest post]( I summarized the last
+year because I wanted to talk about what I'm doing **now**. In this very moment
+I just realized that almost the half of this 2021 is already gone so following
+the breadcrumbs until this day could be a difficult task. That's why I won't
+give you more context than this: RISC-V is a deep, *deep*, hole.
+I told you I was researching on programming languages and that made me research
+a little bit about ISAs. That's how I started reading about RISC-V, and I
+realized learning about it was a great idea for many reasons: it's a new thing
+and as an R&D engineer I should keep updated and the book I chose is really
+good[^book] and gives a great description about the design decisions behind
+[^book]: It's available for free in some languages and it's 20 bucks in
+ English. Totally worth it:
+ <>
+From that, and I don't really know how, I started taking part on the efforts of
+migrating Guix to RISC-V. One of the things I'm working on right now is the
+migration of the machine code generation library that Guile uses, called
+`lightening`, to RISC-V, and that's what I'm talking about today.
+### The lightening
+Lightening is a lightweight fork of the [GNU
+Lightning](, a machine code generation
+library that can be used for many things that need to abstract from the target
+CPU, like JIT compilers or so.
+The design of GNU Lightning is easy to understand. It exposes a set of
+instructions that are inspired in RISC machines, you use those, the library
+maps them to actual machine instructions on the target CPU and returns you a
+pointer to the function that calls them. Simple stuff.
+The code is not that easy to understand, it makes a pretty aggressive and
+clever use of C macros that I'm not that used to read so it is a little bit
+hard for me.
+I could try to explain the reasons behind the fork, but [the guy who did it,
+that is also the maintainer of Guile explains it much better than I
+But at least I can summarize: lightening is simpler and it fits better what
+Guile needs for its JIT compiler.
+Boom! Lightened!
+### The process
+So Lightening is basically simpler but the idea is the same. But how do you
+make the migration of a library like that to other architecture?
+The idea is kind of simple, but we need to talk about the basics first.
+Lightening (and GNU Lightning too, but we are going to specifically talk about
+Lightening from here) emulates a fake RISC machine with its functions. It
+provides `movr`, `movi`, `addr` and so on. Basically, all those are C functions
+you call, but they actually look like assembly. Look a random example here
+taken from the [`tests/addr.c` file](
+ ::clike
+ jit_begin(j, arena_base, arena_size);
+ size_t align = jit_enter_jit_abi(j, 0, 0, 0);
+ jit_load_args_2(j, jit_operand_gpr (JIT_OPERAND_ABI_WORD, JIT_R0),
+ jit_operand_gpr (JIT_OPERAND_ABI_WORD, JIT_R1));
+ jit_addr(j, JIT_R0, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);
+ jit_leave_jit_abi(j, 0, 0, align);
+ jit_retr(j, JIT_R0);
+ size_t size = 0;
+ void* ret = jit_end(j, &size);
+ int (*f)(int, int) = ret;
+ ASSERT(f(42, 69) == 111);
+Basically you can see we get the `f` function from the calls to `jit_WHATEVER`,
+which include the call to the preparation of the arguments, `jit_load_args_2`,
+and the actual body of the function: `jit_addr`. The word `addr` comes from
+*add* and *r*egisters, so you can understand what it does: adds the contents of
+the registers and stores the result in other register.
+The registers have understandable names like `JIT_R0` and `JIT_R1`, which are
+basically the register number (the `R` comes from "register").
+So, if you check the line of the `jit_addr` you can understand it's adding the
+contents of the register `0` and the register `1` and storing them in the
+register `0` (the first argument is the destination).
+That's pretty similar to RISC-V's `add` instruction, isn't it?
+Well, it's basically the same thing. The only problem is that we have to emit
+the machine code associated with the `add`, not just writing it down in text,
+and we also need to declare which are the registers `JIT_R0` and `JIT_R1` in
+our actual machine.
+Thankfully, the library has already all the machinery to make all that. There
+are functions that emit the code for us, and we can also make some `define`s to
+set the `JIT_R0` to the RISCV `a0` register, and so on.
+We just need to make new files for RISC-V, define the mappings and add a little
+bit of glue around.
+### The problems
+All that sounds simple and easy (on purpose), but it's not *that* easy.
+Some instructions that Lightening provides don't have a simple mapping to
+RISC-V and we need to play around with them.
+There's an interesting example: `movi` (move immediate to register).
+Loading and immediate to a register is something that sounds extremely simple,
+but it's more complex than it looks. The RISC-V assembly has a
+pseudoinstruction for that, called `li` (load immediate) that can be literally
+mapped to the `movi`. The main problem is that pseudoinstructions *don't really
+You all know there are CISC and RISC machines. CISC machines were a way to make
+simpler compilers, pushing that complexity to the hardware. RISC machines are
+the other way around.
+The RISC hardware tends to be simple and they have few instructions, the
+compiler is the one that has to make the dirty job, trying to make the
+programmer's life better.
+Pseudoinstructions are a case of that. The programmer only wants to load a
+constant to a register but real life can be very depressing. When you want to
+load an immediate you don't want to think about the size of it, if it fits a
+register you are fine, aren't you?
+Pseudoinstructions are expanded to actual instructions by the assembler, so you
+don't need to worry about those details. In fact, RISC-V doesn't really have
+move instructions, they are all pseudoinstructions that are expanded to
+something like:
+ addi destination, source, 0
+Which means "add 0 to source and store the result in destination".
+The `li` pseudoinstruction is a very interesting case, because the expansion is
+kind of complex, it's not just a conversion.
+In RISC-V all the instructions are 32bit (or 16 if you take in account the
+compressed instruction extension) and the registers are 32bit wide in RV32 and
+64bit wide in RV64. You see the problem, right? No 32bit instruction is able to
+load a full register at once, because that would mean that all the bits
+available for the instruction (or more!) need to be used to store the
+Depending on the size of the immediate you want to load, the `li` instruction
+can be expanded to just one instruction (`addi`), two (`lui` and `addi`) or, if
+you are in RV64 to a series of eight instructions (`lui`, `addi`, `slli`,
+`addi`, `slli`, `addi`, `slli`, `addi`.). There are also sign extensions in the
+middle that make all the process even funnier.
+Of course, as we are generating the machine code, we can't rely in an assembler
+to make the dirty job for us: we need to expand everything ourselves.
+So, something that looked extremely simple, the implementation of an obvious
+instruction, can get really messy, so we need a reasonable way to check if we
+did the expansions correctly.
+And we didn't talk yet about those instructions that don't have a clear mapping
+to the machine!
+Don't worry: we won't. I just wanted to point the need of proper tools for this
+### The debugging
+The debugging process is not as complex as I thought it was going to be, but
+my setup is a little bit of a mess, basically because I'm on Guix, which
+doesn't have a proper support for RISC-V so I can't really test on my machine
+(if there's a way please let me know!).
+I'm using an external Debian Sid machine (see acknowledgements below) for it.
+I basically followed the [Debian
+tutorial]( for cross
+compilation environments and Qemu and everything is perfectly set for the
+Next: how to debug the code?
+I'm using Qemu as a target for GDB, so I can run a binary on Qemu like this:
+ ::sh
+ qemu-riscv64-static -g 1234 test-riscv-movi
+Now I can attach GDB to that port and disassemble the `*f` function that was
+returned from Lightening to see if the expansion is correct:
+ $ gdb-multiarch
+ GNU gdb (Debian 10.1-2)
+ ...
+ For help, type "help".
+ Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
+ (gdb) file lightening/tests/test-riscv-movi
+ Reading symbols from lightening/tests/test-riscv-movi...
+ (gdb) target remote :1234
+ Remote debugging using :1234
+ 0x0000000000010538 in _start ()
+ (gdb) break movi.c:15
+ Breakpoint 1 at 0x1d956: file movi.c, line 15.
+ (gdb) continue
+ Continuing.
+ Breakpoint 1, run_test (j=0x82e90, arena_base=0x4000801000
+ "\023\001\201\377#0\021", arena_size=4096) at movi.c:15
+ 15 ASSERT(f() == 0xa500a500);
+ (gdb) disassemble *f,+100
+ Dump of assembler code from 0x4000801000 to 0x4000801064:
+ 0x0000004000801000: addi sp,sp,-8
+ 0x0000004000801004: sd ra,0(sp)
+ 0x0000004000801008: lui a0,0x0
+ 0x000000400080100c: slli a0,a0,0x20
+ 0x0000004000801010: srli a0,a0,0x21
+ 0x0000004000801014: mv a0,a0
+ 0x0000004000801018: slli a0,a0,0xb
+ 0x000000400080101c: addi a0,a0,660 # 0x294
+ 0x0000004000801020: slli a0,a0,0xb
+ 0x0000004000801024: addi a0,a0,20
+ 0x0000004000801028: slli a0,a0,0xb
+ 0x000000400080102c: addi a0,a0,1280
+ 0x0000004000801030: ld ra,0(sp)
+ 0x0000004000801034: addi sp,sp,8
+ 0x0000004000801038: mv a0,a0
+ 0x000000400080103c: ret
+ 0x0000004000801040: unimp
+ ...
+Of course, I can debug the library code normally, but the generated code has to
+be checked like this, because there's no debug symbol associated with it and
+GDB is lost in there.
+Important stuff. Take notes.
+<div style="
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: smaller;
+ padding-left: 3em;
+ padding-right: 3em;
+ padding-top: 1em;
+ padding-bottom: 1em;
+ border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color);
+ border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color)">
+This free software work is also work. It needs funding!<br/>
+Remember you can hire <a href="">ElenQ
+Technology</a> to help you with your research, development or training. <br/>
+If you want to encourage my free software work you can support me on <a
+href="">Buy Me a Coffee</a> or on <a
+### The acknowledgements
+It's weird to have acknowledgments in a random blog post like this one, but I
+have to thank my friend [Fanta]( for preparing me a Debian
+machine I can use for all this.
+Also I'd like to thank Andy Wingo for the disassembly trick you just read.
+Yeah, there were no chances I discovered that by myself!
+### The code
+All the process can be followed in the gitlab of the project where I added a
+Merge Request. Feel free to comment and propose changes.
+[Here's the link](
+### The future
+There's still plenty of work to do. I only implemented the basics of the ALU,
+some configuration of the RISC-V context like the registers and all that, but
+I'd say the project is in the good direction.
+I don't know if I'm going to be able to spend as much as time as I want on it
+but I'm surely going to keep adding new instructions and eventually try to wrap
+my head around how are jumps implemented.
+It's going to be a lot of fun, that's for sure.