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authorEkaitz Zarraga <>2020-02-18 16:13:42 +0100
committerEkaitz Zarraga <>2020-02-18 16:13:42 +0100
commitfea4f32b1a954f24d72b74378375093d483f575b (patch)
tree40608b209976ec25ef7312cd8868b4e23703fdd7 /content/
parent4143a4f70fe8820c898a027f24ca43dee7b289f1 (diff)
add elenq publishing note
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+Title: ElenQ Publishing
+Date: 2020-02-18
+Slug: elenq-publishing
+Lang: en
+ ElenQ Publishing is a technical book publishing project that aims to open
+ the door of technical knowledge to everyone.
+Hi all,
+This 18th of February of 2020 the crowdfunding campaign of ElenQ Publishing
+started and I'd like to talk a bit about it.
+## The platform
+First of all, I want to talk you about the crowdfunding platform:
+Goteo is platform for social crowdfunding that aims to support projects with a
+social goal. The software it runs is Free Software licensed under the Affero
+GPL license, meaning if you want to make your own crowdfunding platform you can
+use the code that Goteo shares, as long as you provide the <del>users</del>
+people the source code that is running in your platform (server and client).
+Goteo Foundation, the maintainers of the code and the people behind,
+fund themselves with the 5% of the crowdfunded money from the campaigns, a fair
+price for their services. They also receive some help from different government
+entities like Barcelona's local government or Spanish Education, Culture and
+Sports Ministry because of their social impact.
+At least in Spain, people that takes part in the campaigns run in
+have the chance to declare they donated money for social goals and get some
+money back in their tax returns.
+For those who want to make a campaign, Goteo reviews and gives feedback, they
+make the campaign management easier and they are really focused on being
+multilingual. They support translations for the campaigns and the UI is in many
+languages, including local all Spanish regional languages and some extra
+languages more.
+This platform is perfectly aligned with the philosophy of ElenQ Technology.
+## The story
+I don't talk about it enough, but I've been teaching informatics related topics
+since I started with ElenQ Technology. In these 3 years I gave many courses:
+introductory python, advanced python, data analysis, web scraping, bitcoin
+and blockhain[^blockchain], introductory clojure... And some more I can't
+remember at the moment. All of those were done in different contexts, from
+courses for young unemployed people to courses for engineers in research
+centers. Also, it looks I'm going to keep teaching, because I like it and
+the students say I'm good at it.
+But this is not good enough. It helps me to make a living but it's not enough.
+I want to make my best to correct many of the issues I found in this 3 year
+I realized I have some tested course structure and materials I want to share.
+I realized many people's English level is not good enough for learning by
+technology by themselves. They needed someone like me to serve as a bridge.
+They are isolated from knowledge because the place they come from and the
+culture they have.
+I realized all the technical publications I was reading were written from the
+same perspective of technology. That made sense, because every author authors
+came from the same context. I would like to have more diverse people writing
+about technology and the only way to do it is to make technology more
+I realized that, in my local context, access to knowledge is broken in many
+ways that looks nobody is willing to change:
+- In my area, government backed courses only focus in groups of people that are
+ likely to get a job soon anyway. This way they can say they got the job
+ thanks to the money the government invested on the courses and win elections
+ with that. Young people that finished university this year are likely to get
+ a job in the next year. This doesn't mean they don't need the
+ course[^course], but the course itself won't really affect their
+ employability. What about people with **real** employability
+ problems[^employability-problems]?
+- Some people have individual problems that don't fit in the goals of social
+ campaigns run by the government or other entities because they focus on large
+ groups of society with similar problems and they don't focus the individual.
+ It makes sense because they can help more efficiently that way, but the net
+ has some holes we should repair.
+- There is no structural support for people who just want to learn new things
+ with no further intention. University is deriving. Now it's just a place
+ where you get a paper that helps you get a job, but it's not fulfilling the
+ goals of knowledge it should. It's not a place where you find knowledge
+ anymore. Many people don't want to think or learn, but some do and we are
+ preventing them from doing it.
+- In other places the problem of education is even worse and they don't have
+ resources (or will[^will]) to solve it. Individuals shouldn't suffer from
+ that. It's our responsibility to help everyone have all the chances to
+ develop themselves as much as they want, regardless of their context.
+In general, all the points are summarized in one: Knowledge should be free
+(libre). If it's not free it's not knowledge, is just something that makes you
+more powerful than others: it's injustice.
+I realized many of these things could be solved with a good repository of
+knowledge in different languages, and, as I'm teaching stuff and I like to
+write, I considered interesting to work a little bit more on the notes I give
+my students and make them look like a book.
+With [a little bit of
+effort](, I can make a book
+that can be published on the web, on a physical book and on a easy-to-print PDF
+that anyone can print and copy in a local print shop. I can make it arrive any
+place in this world.
+Not only that. Some people designed a license that lets others create new
+contents on top of what I did and force them to share what they did with the
+same license: Creative Commons.
+So, with some effort and some funding (and a smile in my face) I can create a
+publishing project where I gather all the knowledge that my job makes me deal
+with and I can share it in a way that is ethical and respects everyone's
+This is something I want to try. It's something I *need* to try.
+[^blockchain]: don't judge me too fast: the course was a technical explanation
+ about every detail of how does bitcoin work. I wanted students to learn the
+ cryptography behind and all the good design ideas bitcoin has while I tried
+ to make them be critical about the blockchain technology during the
+ blockchain boom.
+[^course]: They need it, more if its a course like mine where I talk them about
+ working with ethics and being independent. :D
+[^employability-problems]: Say: women, unemployed people in their 50s dropped
+ out of their jobs because of the
+ [de-industrialization](,
+ immigrants, people with disabilities, people that just get out of jail...
+[^will]: USA, I'm looking at you.
+## The campaign
+That's why I'm trying it.
+This campaign is the first attempt to make this happen. If it's successful, it
+will make me spend some of my time giving love to the contents I want to
+release and let me talk with people who have knowledge in areas I don't and
+help them publish it.
+The campaign has physical books as a goal but they are just a vehicle to be
+able to publish them in a way that is easy to share. The physical objects are
+just a way to get funds.
+The main goal is not just to make books: it's the creation of an infrastructure
+to share knowledge that I can use for the things I research but it can be used
+also for things other people researches. All the content is going to be
+published in raw in a repository that anyone could audit, review, improve or
+create a new project based on it.
+Once the infrastructure is ready, publishing new books should be a piece of
+cake. This first project is going to teach us how to make the paperwork for the
+ISBN and the book registration and is going to give us time to create the
+website where the content is going to be stored. Once all those points are
+ready, the rest of it is "just" write and publish.
+The campaign's goals are separated in two levels: the minimum and the optimum.
+The minimum is the publishing of the books in Spanish, my mother tongue
+language, and covers all the infrastructure costs of that. This way Spanish
+speaking people will have at least some technical books in their language.
+The optimum ensures the publishing in English[^english]. This goal enables the
+translation to different languages because many people would probably know or
+Spanish or English, because they are two of the most widely spoken languages in
+the world, and that way they would be able to translate the books to their
+mother tongue language to help their own community. I'm not able to supervise a
+translation to a language I don't know, but I'm able to make a reliable
+material in both of these languages for people to work on top of.
+As you see, the goals have a really interesting point of contradiction: I want
+to provide technical material for people that doesn't talk English, but I'm
+trying to make it in English for it. Funny, huh?
+I'm just trying to be as practical as I can.
+There are many points I'd like to consider, many other translations I'd love to
+do, but I need to focus my effort on something useful in the short term because
+if it happens to be useful it's going to push me to keep working on it in the
+future, providing more and more material and translations.
+[^english]: Don't worry, I know my English is bad and I'm not going to
+ translate them, a professional service will (under my supervision for the
+ terminology and stuff).
+## The feelings
+I like the idea of crowdfundings since I heard about them and I've been
+planning to make one for years. Electronic devices, software, miniature games
+and collections... Everything was candidate for a crowdfunding campaign in my
+mind, but I didn't want to disappoint the patrons and I never started one.
+This time I think it's possible to provide good material. The content is
+already defined and tested in my courses, it only needs to be updated, the
+goals are simple and doable, and I have all the good people around me that is
+going to help me with everything.
+This project helped me connect with the people I love and that's one of the
+best things in life. I know everything is going to be fine with their help and
+Since I started with ElenQ Technology I had the chance to meet many good people
+with incredible skills and love in their heart. This project is somehow the
+result of the love they gave me because it filled me with the courage I needed.
+Just wanted to express my gratitude[^gratitude].
+Thank you all.
+[^gratitude]: I don't know why... I'm like that I guess.
+<hr style="border-width: 1px; height: 4em;">
+#### If you want to take part...
+There are many ways you can help but crowdfunding campaigns look like the only
+one is giving money and that's not true. Also, there are many ways to give
+money and some are more effective than others.
+For people that is not able to provide funds but want to take part there are
+also very helpful tasks:
+- Sharing the campaign with people, communities, universities, libraries and so
+ on, that might be interested is always good.
+- Once the contents are released in our repository, reviewing the content or
+ improving it will help us a lot.
+- Translating the content to other languages will help other communities we
+ can't directly help. Your language skills are valuable.
+- Your love and support is always welcome and it helps us to keep on the good
+ job.
+For the people that want to provide monetary help, there are points to consider:
+- The best way to help is to give money and don't ask for any physical good
+ (the first reward is for that) because the books have an associated printing
+ and shipping cost. They are going to be released online anyway so if you
+ don't really like the idea of having a physical object, you can also take
+ part and get the result of the campaign.
+- The second best way is to give money and ask for the physical good(s). In the
+ case of this campaign, more books you order the cheaper their production is
+ (bulk orders and scale economy, you know...).
+- One of the highest costs is the shipping, asking us to get the goods in
+ person[^coffee] (Bilbao) or making bulk shippings reduces the costs and makes
+ the donation more efficient. It's better for us if a group of friends make
+ just one big order than having many small orders.
+That said, here goes the link to the campaign if you want to take part.
+Thank you.
+[^coffee]: If you get the books in person I'll take a coffee/tea with you.