path: root/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
17 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/_defs.scm b/templates/_defs.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed145b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/_defs.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+; Global to the file, use (set! lang "lang") to configure in languages
+(define lang "en")
+; UTILS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (anchored-h level title id)
+ `(,(string->symbol (string-append "h" (number->string level)))
+ (@ (id ,id))
+ ,title
+ (a (@ (href ,(string-append "#" id)) (class "anchor")) " ¶" )))
+(define (absurl-to-lang url)
+ (string-append "/" lang url))
+(define (header-link lr text title link active)
+ `(a (@ (class ,(string-append (if active "active " " ")
+ "navbar-link link-" lr))
+ (href ,link)
+ (title ,title))
+ ,text))
+(define (style href)
+ "Make <link> tags to add CSS"
+ `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href ,href))))
+(define (md markdown-text)
+ `(@raw ,(md-to-html markdown-text)))
+(define (logo-title) `(h1 (@raw ,(file->string "templates/_logo.svg"))))
+; BASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (base title body)
+ `(html
+ (@ (lang ,lang))
+ (head
+ (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")))
+ ,(style "/static/css/normalize.css")
+ ,(style "/static/css/style.css")
+ ,(style "/static/css/fonts.css")
+ ,(style "/static/css/extra-style.css")
+ ,(style "/static/css/publishing.css")
+ (title ,title))
+ (body ,body)))
+; HEADER-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (nav-link l)
+ (header-link "left"
+ (cdr (assq 'name l))
+ (cdr (assq 'title l))
+ (cdr (assq 'absurl l))
+ (or (assq 'active l) #f)))
+(define (lang-link l)
+ (header-link "right"
+ (cdr (assq 'name l))
+ (cdr (assq 'title l))
+ (cdr (assq 'absurl l))
+ (or (assq 'active l) #f)))
+(define (header links langs)
+ `(header
+ (@ (class mainheader))
+ (div (@ (class container))
+ (nav (@ (class navbar))
+ (label (@ (id hamburger-label)
+ (for "hamburger")
+ (class "navbar-link link-left")) (@raw "&#9776;"))
+ (input (@ (id "hamburger") (type checkbox)))
+ (div (@ (class navbar-contents))
+ (div (@ (class navbar-left))
+ ,(map nav-link links))
+ (div (@ (class "navbar-right"))
+ ,(map lang-link langs)))))))
+(define (book thickness cover-url extra-classes)
+ `(div (@ (class "book-container")
+ (tabindex "0"))
+ (div (@ (class ,(string-join (append '("book") extra-classes) " "))
+ (style ,(string-append
+ "--book-cover: url(" cover-url ");"
+ "--book-thickness: " thickness ";")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side")))
+ (div (@ (class "_side"))))))
+(define (link-with-title title url)
+ `(a (@ (title ,title)
+ (href ,url))
+ ,title))
diff --git a/templates/_logo.svg b/templates/_logo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4bb2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/_logo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<svg class="title-image" width="300" height="200" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 177.16 88.583" xmlns="">
+ <g transform="translate(12.992 -974.94)">
+ <g transform="translate(-161.99,807.24)">
+ <g transform="translate(.34251 84.258)" font-size="37.5px" letter-spacing="0px" stroke-width=".9375" word-spacing="0px">
+ <g aria-label="ElenQ">
+ <path d="m163.2 137.69h27.525v-2.7h-24.3v-17.25h20.55v-2.7h-20.55v-15.9h24.3v-2.7h-27.525z"/>
+ <path d="m195.82 137.69h3.225v-41.25h-3.225z"/>
+ <path d="m204.3 122.92c0 11.25 8.7 15.6 16.5 15.6 11.85 0 15.3-4.725 16.05-9.225h-3.6c-0.75 1.875-2.175 6-12.45 6-5.925 0-12.45-3.6-12.975-11.025h29.025v-3.225c-0.75-10.425-6.45-15.75-16.05-15.75s-16.5 7.2-16.5 17.625zm3.675-1.875c1.05-7.875 5.175-12.6 13.125-12.6s11.4 5.1 12.15 12.6z"/>
+ <path d="m242.25 137.69h3.225v-25.875c1.575-2.025 5.025-3.225 10.2-3.225 3.6 0 8.1 1.35 8.1 7.65v21.45h3.45v-21.45c0-8.25-6.15-10.95-11.55-10.95-5.55 0-9.075 1.35-10.2 4.05v-3.225h-3.225z"/>
+ <path d="m272.25 117.07c0 11.175 9.3 21.45 20.625 21.45 4.8 0 9.15-1.875 12.675-4.8l4.8 3.975h3.75l-6.6-5.775c3.675-3.975 6-9.3 6-14.85 0-11.1-9.225-21.375-20.625-21.375s-20.625 10.2-20.625 21.375zm3.3 0c0-9.15 7.575-18.3 17.325-18.3s17.325 9.15 17.325 18.3-7.575 18.375-17.325 18.375-17.325-9.225-17.325-18.375z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g aria-label="PUBLISHING">
+ <path d="m184.99 159.61h1.045v-6.1038h2.7788c4.9875 0 4.7975-3.1112 4.7975-3.5862 0.0237-2.09-1.425-3.3725-3.8-3.3725h-4.8212zm1.045-6.9825v-5.225h3.4912c1.7812 0 3.1112 0.9975 3.1112 2.5175 0 1.7338-1.33 2.7075-3.1112 2.7075z"/>
+ <path d="m196.58 155.41c0 3.0162 1.52 4.465 4.5125 4.465s4.4888-1.4488 4.4888-4.465v-8.8588h-1.0212v8.6212c0 2.3988-1.045 3.6812-3.4675 3.6812s-3.4912-1.3062-3.4912-3.6812v-8.6212h-1.0212z"/>
+ <path d="m208.77 159.61h4.8212c2.375 0 3.8-1.2825 3.8-3.3725 0-1.1875-0.59375-2.85-2.4938-3.3012 0.6175-0.16625 1.7812-1.0212 1.7812-3.23 0-1.9475-1.425-3.1588-3.8475-3.1588h-4.0612zm1.045-0.855v-5.225h3.4912c1.7812 0 3.1112 0.97375 3.1112 2.7075 0 1.52-1.33 2.5175-3.1112 2.5175zm0-6.1038v-5.225h2.7788c1.7338 0 3.1112 0.97375 3.1112 2.28 0 2.0188-1.4012 2.945-3.1112 2.945z"/>
+ <path d="m220.36 159.61h7.9088v-1.0212h-6.8875v-12.041h-1.0212z"/>
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+ <path d="m247.79 159.61h1.0212v-6.3175h6.5075v6.3175h1.0212v-13.062h-1.0212v5.89h-6.5075v-5.89h-1.0212z"/>
+ <path d="m259.52 159.61h1.0212v-13.062h-1.0212z"/>
+ <path d="m263.73 159.61h1.045v-11.115l7.1962 11.115h1.0212v-13.062h-1.0212v11.234l-7.1962-11.234h-1.045z"/>
+ <path d="m276.06 153.08c0 4.275 1.9712 6.7925 5.6288 6.7925 1.6388 0 3.0875-0.5225 4.0138-1.3775v1.1162h1.0212v-6.4125h-5.225v1.0212h4.2038v2.0188c0 1.3062-1.5675 2.6125-4.0138 2.6125-3.1588 0-4.5125-3.0638-4.5125-5.7712 0-3.1112 1.8288-5.7712 4.6075-5.7712 2.4225 0 3.9188 1.2588 3.9188 2.6838h1.0212c0-2.3512-2.2325-3.6812-5.035-3.6812-3.895 0-5.6288 3.4675-5.6288 6.7688z"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/templates/_structure.scm b/templates/_structure.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/_structure.scm
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df057b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+All the books are published under the terms of the
+[CC-BY-SA]( license and have
+been published in various formats: paperback, web and an easy to print PDF
+file, with the goal of making them available for anyone.
+Digital versions of the books are available in the list below while the
+paperback edition can be obtained [contacting
+For those who want to take part in the development, send comments, propose
+corrections or even create derivative works, having the sources is more than
+interesting. Each book has a link to its Git repository where raw content,
+change history, etc. are available.
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e1ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This project's goal is to make the contents available for everyone, regardless
+of their resources. That's why we share the contents online for free and we
+even allow the printing of the books using our easy-to-print format.
+On the other hand, the project needs to be sustainable so we can keep making
+new books, correcting them, maintaining this website and so on.
+This project is funded selling the books, it would die if nobody paid for them.
+Those who want and have the resources to do it, can support the project buying
+physical or digital books.
+Even further, its also possible [to hire ElenQ
+Technology]( for training or as an independent
+research and development team.
+For both things, you can contact us with the contact info [you can find
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6aa5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+As ElenQ Technology's training, the content of ElenQ Publishing is focused on
+teaching the underlaying concepts of subjects in order to create a solid
+knowledge basis. From that, the goal is to encourage independent learning.
+On the other hand, the books are mainly focused on Free Software due to its
+educational value and social approach, which is part of the [values of ElenQ
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f5b431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- Level: basic
+- Publishing date: 10-08-2020
+- ISBN of the paperback edition: 978-84-122572-1-2
+- Price of the physical book: 30€
+- Available languages and formats:
+ - Español
+ - [Easy to print PDF](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/book-simple.pdf)
+ - [Web](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/web.html)
+ - [Simple Web](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/web-simple.html)
+- [Source repository](
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a57127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+*ElenQ Publishing* is a book publishing initiative which goal is to empower
+people with high quality material, with free licenses, accessible and published
+in their own language.
+The project was born from *ElenQ Technology*'s training service, where we
+prepare comprehensive course notes for our students. As we realized the notes
+could be interesting for the public, we decided to create a publishing house to
+make them available for everyone. In 2020 we launched [a crowdfunding
+campaign]( and with it we
+published the first books of the collection.
+Today, with the first two books published, printed and sent to their new homes,
+*ElenQ Publishing* is another piece of *ElenQ Technology* that is large enough
+to deserve its own space.
diff --git a/templates/en/ b/templates/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4629c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- Level: basic
+- Publishing date: 10-08-2020
+- ISBN of the paperback edition: 978-84-122572-0-5
+- Price of the physical book: 15€
+- Available languages and formats:
+ - Español
+ - [Printable PDF](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/book-simple.pdf)
+ - [Web](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/web.html)
+ - [Simple web](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/web-simple.html)
+- [Source repository](
diff --git a/templates/en/index.html b/templates/en/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75c8448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/en/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+(define footer
+The content of this website is published under the terms of [Creative Commons
+Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
+International]( license unless
+otherwise stated.
+(define summary (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(define philo (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(define funding (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(define books (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(define python (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(define informatics (md-to-html (file->string "templates/en/")))
+(load "templates/_defs.scm")
+(set! lang "en")
+ (base
+ "ElenQ Publishing"
+ `(,(header
+ `(((name . "Technology")
+ (title . "Engineering - ElenQ Technology")
+ (absurl . ""))
+ ((name . "Publishing")
+ (title . "Publishing House - ElenQ Publishing")
+ (absurl . ,(absurl-to-lang "/index.html"))
+ (active . #t)))
+ `(((name . "en")
+ (title . "English")
+ (absurl . "/en/")
+ (active . #t))
+ ((name . "es")
+ (title . "Español")
+ (absurl . "/es/"))))
+ (div (@ (class "content container"))
+ ,(logo-title)
+ (section (@ (class summary))
+ (@raw ,summary))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Philosophy" "philosophy")
+ (@raw ,philo))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Books" "books")
+ (@raw ,books))
+ ,(anchored-h 3 "What is informatics" "whats-informatics")
+ (p "This document written by Giacomo Tesio and translated and adapted by Ekaitz
+ Zarraga aims to describe what is informatics from its origins and create debate
+ about the ethics around it and the current uses it has. This book serves as
+ opening and statement of purpose of the whole collection because Giacomo's
+ ideas match perfectly the goals of ElenQ Publishing even if they were developed
+ independently.")
+ (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap"))
+ (@raw ,informatics)
+ ,(book "5px" "/books/What_is_Informatics/es/cover.png" '("type2")))
+ ,(anchored-h 3 "Programming in Python" "programming-in-python")
+ (p "Written by Ekaitz Zarraga for his courses, this book is a Python programming
+ manual that also describes general programming theory in an introductory level.")
+ (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap"))
+ (@raw ,python)
+ ,(book "13px" "/books/Programming_in_Python/es/cover.png" '("type1")))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Funding" "funding")
+ (@raw ,funding)))
+ (footer (@ (class bar-bottom))
+ (div (@ (class "container text-center"))
+ (h6 "ElenQ Technology")
+ ,(md footer))))))
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2a02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Todos ellos han sido publicados bajo los términos de la licencia
+[CC-BY-SA]( y se han
+preparado para su publicación en varios formatos: se publican en papel, en
+formato web y en un archivo de fácil impresión con el fin de que puedan llegar
+a cualquiera.
+Las versiones digitales están disponibles en los enlaces dispuestos en cada uno
+de los libros de la siguiente lista, mientras que las versiones físicas pueden
+adquirirse [contactando con nosotros](
+Para colaborar en el proyecto enviando correcciones o comentarios o para crear
+proyectos derivados, tener acceso a la fuente es interesante. Cada uno de los
+libros lista además su repositorio de Git público, donde puede verse y
+descargarse el contenido en crudo, navegar el histórico de cambios, etc.
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b1431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Este proyecto de publicación tiene como objetivo que cualquier persona pueda
+acceder al contenido, independientemente de los recursos de los que disponga.
+Es por eso que se permite la consulta e incluso la impresión de los libros.
+Sin embargo, necesita financiarse de modo que podamos seguir dedicando tiempo a
+publicar ejemplares, corregirlos, mantener este sitio web y todo el tiempo que
+este proceso conlleva.
+Como este proyecto se financia a través de las ventas de los ejemplares,
+moriría si la gente sólo se limitara a descargar las versiones que se comparten
+Quien así lo desee y pueda permitírselo, puede aportar al proyecto mediante la
+compra de un ejemplar físico o digital facilitando así que esta iniciativa siga
+O, yendo más allá, también es posible contratar [los
+servicios]( de investigación y desarrollo o de
+formación de ElenQ Technology.
+La mejor manera de resolver cualquiera de las dos opciones es contactando con
+nosotros. La información de contacto [está disponible
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e5bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Al igual que la formación en ElenQ Technology, los contenidos de ElenQ
+Publishing tienen como objetivo centrarse en los conceptos para aportar una
+base fundacional fuerte sobre la que fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo.
+Por otro lado, centran su interés en el software libre debido a su valor
+didáctico y a su enfoque social, parte del [compromiso ético de ElenQ
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833241e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- Nivel: básico
+- Fecha de edición: 10-08-2020
+- ISBN de la versión física: 978-84-122572-1-2
+- Precio de la edición física: 30€ IVA(4%) incl.
+- Formatos e idiomas disponibles:
+ - Español
+ - [PDF imprimible](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/book-simple.pdf)
+ - [Web](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/web.html)
+ - [Web simple](/books/Programming_in_Python/es/web-simple.html)
+- [Repositorio fuente](
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4130512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+*ElenQ Publishing* es una iniciativa de publicación de libros técnicos del área
+de la informática, cuyo fin es empoderar a la ciudadanía con material de
+calidad, con licencias libres, accesible y en su propio idioma.
+El proyecto nació de la acción formativa de *ElenQ Technology* a modo de
+documentación para los cursos que oferta, pero visto que los apuntes tenían
+entidad suficiente y eran interesantes para el público general, se decidió
+plantear la creación de una editorial de libros técnicos y en 2020 se lanzó
+[una campaña de crowdfunding](
+para editar los primeros ejemplares.
+Actualmente, con los dos primeros ejemplares ya publicados, impresos y
+entregados a los participantes de la campaña, *ElenQ Publishing* es una parte
+más de las actividades de *ElenQ Technology* que merece un espacio propio.
diff --git a/templates/es/ b/templates/es/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d18243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- Nivel: básico
+- Fecha de edición: 10-08-2020
+- ISBN de la versión física: 978-84-122572-0-5
+- Precio de la edición física: 15€ IVA(4%) incl.
+- Formatos e idiomas disponibles:
+ - Español
+ - [PDF imprimible](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/book-simple.pdf)
+ - [Web](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/web.html)
+ - [Web simple](/books/What_is_Informatics/es/web-simple.html)
+- [Repositorio fuente](
diff --git a/templates/es/index.html b/templates/es/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683a691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/es/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(define footer
+El contenido de este sitio está publicado bajo los términos de la licencia
+[Cretive Commons Atribución Compartir-Igual 4.0
+Internacional]( a no
+ser que se especifique lo contrario.
+(define summary (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(define philo (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(define funding (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(define books (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(define python (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(define informatics (md-to-html (file->string "templates/es/")))
+(load "templates/_defs.scm")
+(set! lang "es")
+ (base
+ "ElenQ Publishing"
+ `(,(header
+ `(((name . "Technology")
+ (title . "Ingeniería - ElenQ Technology")
+ (absurl . ""))
+ ((name . "Publishing")
+ (title . "Editorial - ElenQ Publishing")
+ (absurl . ,(absurl-to-lang "/index.html"))
+ (active . #t)))
+ `(((name . "en")
+ (title . "English")
+ (absurl . "/en/"))
+ ((name . "es")
+ (title . "Español")
+ (absurl . "/es/")
+ (active . #t))))
+ (div (@ (class "content container"))
+ ,(logo-title)
+ (section (@ (class summary))
+ (@raw ,summary))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Filosofía" "philosophy")
+ (@raw ,philo))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Libros" "books")
+ (@raw ,books))
+ ,(anchored-h 3 "¿Qué es la informática?" "whats-informatics")
+ (p "Escrito por Giacomo Tesio y traducido y adaptado por Ekaitz Zárraga, «¿Qué es
+ la informática?» trata de describir qué es la informática desde su origen y de
+ generar reflexión respecto a la ética de ésta y al uso que se le está dando hoy
+ en día. Este tomo sirve como apertura y como declaración de intenciones ya que
+ las ideas de Giacomo encajan a la perfección con el objetivo de ElenQ
+ Publishing, a pesar de haber surgido de forma independiente.")
+ (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap"))
+ (@raw ,informatics)
+ ,(book "5px" "/books/What_is_Informatics/es/cover.png" '("type2")))
+ ,(anchored-h 3 "Programación en Python" "programming-in-python")
+ (p "Escrito por Ekaitz Zárraga como material para sus cursos de formación, este
+ documento es un manual del lenguaje de programación Python que describe además
+ fundamentos técnicos de la programación general.")
+ (div (@ (class "flex-around-wrap"))
+ (@raw ,python)
+ ,(book "13px" "/books/Programming_in_Python/es/cover.png" '("type1")))
+ (section
+ ,(anchored-h 2 "Financiación" "funding")
+ (@raw ,funding)))
+ (footer (@ (class bar-bottom))
+ (div (@ (class "container text-center"))
+ (h6 "ElenQ Technology")
+ ,(md footer))))))