path: root/wake-up.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wake-up.scm')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wake-up.scm b/wake-up.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb38ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wake-up.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+(define-module (depre main)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports))
+;; Clean indentation from strings
+(eval-when (expand load eval)
+ (read-enable 'hungry-eol-escapes))
+;; Random seed
+(set! *random-state* (random-state-from-platform))
+;; Code makes heavy use of functional code and parameters for state.
+(define max-100 (lambda (x) (if (> x 100) 100 x)))
+(define *depression* (make-parameter 40 max-100))
+(define *tiredness* (make-parameter 40 max-100))
+(define *day* (make-parameter 1))
+;; Show days passed on exit
+(sigaction SIGINT
+ (lambda (sig)
+ (newline)
+ (display "---------------------------")
+ (newline)
+ (display "Exiting game.")
+ (newline)
+ (display (string-append "Days played: " (number->string (*day*))))
+ (newline)
+ (newline)
+ (display "This game tries to show the internal dialog of a \
+ depressed person that is alone at home, working as a \
+ freelance, on a phd or any job that allows to work on \
+ an independent way.\n\
+ Somehow, it tries to express the life of those who \
+ suffer in silence, alone in their caves. Hopefully, \
+ this game made you empathize with them. \n\
+ If you feel identified by what it is shown here, it \
+ might be time to review your internal dialog and treat \
+ yourself better. You deserve to be loved.\n")
+ (newline)
+ (display "Thanks for playing.")
+ (newline)
+ (exit)))
+(define (nth n lst)
+ (if (> n (length lst))
+ (error "Chosen element longer than provided list")
+ (let loop ((lst lst)
+ (n n))
+ (if (= 1 n)
+ (car lst)
+ (loop (cdr lst) (- n 1))))))
+;; Function combinations: they define the state transitions
+(define (combine . functions)
+ "Calls given functions in given order."
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ((fs functions))
+ (when (not (null? fs))
+ ((car fs))
+ (loop (cdr fs))))))
+;; Transition by chance, according to the state
+;; Example:
+;; - You are too tired for that, so you do this instead
+;; - Or you actually do it
+;; NOTE: The functions try with 120 to leave some chance to randomness even if
+;; you are tired or depressed to the limit
+(define (f-or-tired f tired)
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (< (random 120) (*tiredness*)) (f) (tired))))
+(define (f-or-depressed f depressed)
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (< (random 120) (*depression*)) (f) (depressed))))
+;; State alteration functions for easy access
+(define (tire)
+ (lambda () (*tiredness* (+ (*tiredness*) 5))))
+(define (rest)
+ (lambda () (*tiredness* (- (*tiredness*) 5))))
+(define (depress)
+ (lambda () (*depression* (+ (*depression*) 5))))
+(define (cheer-up)
+ (lambda () (*depression* (- (*depression*) 5))))
+(define (tire+)
+ (lambda () (*tiredness* (+ (*tiredness*) 8))))
+(define (rest+)
+ (lambda () (*tiredness* (- (*tiredness*) 8))))
+(define (depress+)
+ (lambda () (*depression* (+ (*depression*) 8))))
+(define (cheer-up+)
+ (lambda () (*depression* (- (*depression*) 8))))
+(define (next-day)
+ (lambda () (*day* (+ 1 (*day*)))))
+;; Simple I/O
+(define (answer message)
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display message)
+ (get-line (current-input-port))))
+(define (bar percent)
+ "A simple 12 character bar for life-like variable representation"
+ (define len 22)
+ (string-tabulate
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((= x 0) #\[)
+ ((= x (- len 1)) #\])
+ ((>= (/ percent (/ 100 len)) x) #\=)
+ (else #\space)))
+ len))
+(define (day-banner)
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display "---------------------------")
+ (newline)
+ (display (string-append "Day " (number->string (*day*))))
+ (newline)))
+(define (read-number)
+ (string->number (get-line (current-input-port))))
+;; Basic state representation and creation: A state is a function that knows
+;; how to jump to other states through a menu.
+(define* (state heading menu #:optional (hide-status #f))
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (not hide-status)
+ (newline)
+ (display "Depression:\t")
+ (display (bar (*depression*)))
+ (newline)
+ (display "Tiredness:\t")
+ (display (bar (*tiredness*))))
+ (newline)
+ (display heading)
+ (newline)
+ (map (lambda (opt num)
+ (display (string-append " " (number->string num) "- " (car opt)))
+ (newline))
+ menu (iota (length menu) 1))
+ (display "You choose > ")
+ (let loop ((chosen (read-number)))
+ (if (and (number? chosen) (<= chosen (length menu)))
+ ((cdr (nth chosen menu)))
+ (begin
+ (display "Wrong answer. Try again > ")
+ (loop (read-number)))))))
+;; States:
+;; Some macro magic for indirection that enables recursion.
+;; I don't really know how it works (yet!)
+(define %states (make-hash-table))
+(define-macro (register-state name f)
+ `(hash-set! %states ,name ,f))
+(define-macro (to-state name)
+ `(lambda () ((hash-ref %states ,name))))
+ 'start
+ (state "Hi, game starts"
+ (list
+ (cons "Start game"
+ (combine
+ (answer "Let's start, then. Press [ENTER] to continue. \
+ Press [Ctrl-C] and then [ENTER] to finish.")
+ (to-state 'wake-up)))
+ (cons "Quit game"
+ (answer "Good bye!")))
+ #:hide-status))
+ 'wake-up
+ (state "Good morning. It's time to wake up, what do you want to do?"
+ (list
+ (cons "Wake up and start your day."
+ (f-or-tired
+ (combine
+ (answer "You just woke up, had your shower, had some \
+ breakfast and now you are ready for \
+ anything.")
+ (cheer-up+)
+ (tire)
+ (to-state 'morning-1))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are too tired for waking up now. You \
+ stay at bed instead and your day starts in \
+ mid morning.")
+ (depress)
+ (rest)
+ (to-state 'morning-2))))
+ (cons "Stay in bed"
+ (combine
+ (answer "You rest for a little bit more, but you feel \
+ bad because you have a hard time waking up \
+ like a normal person.")
+ (depress)
+ (rest)
+ (to-state 'morning-2))))))
+ 'morning-1
+ (state "It's early in the morning. You have time to do whatever you want \
+ right now. What do you want to do?"
+ (list
+ (cons "Work."
+ (f-or-tired
+ (combine
+ (answer "You worked for a couple of hours.")
+ (tire)
+ (to-state 'morning-2))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are too tired to work. You do nothing for a \
+ couple of hours and you feel for wasting your time.")
+ (depress+)
+ (to-state 'morning-2))))
+ (cons "Relax."
+ (combine
+ (answer "You do nothing for a couple of hours and feel guilty \
+ because you didn't work")
+ (depress)
+ (rest)
+ (to-state 'morning-2))))))
+ 'morning-2
+ (state "It's late in the morning. You still have some time before having \
+ lunch. What do you want to do?"
+ (list
+ (cons "Work."
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (f-or-tired
+ (combine
+ (answer "You worked for a couple of hours.")
+ (tire)
+ (cheer-up)
+ (to-state 'lunch))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are too tired to work. You do nothing for a \
+ couple of hours and you feel for wasting your time.")
+ (depress+)
+ (to-state 'lunch)))
+ (combine
+ (answer "It's almost time to have lunch... Maybe it's better \
+ just to leave work for later.")
+ (depress)
+ (to-state 'lunch))))
+ (cons "Relax."
+ (combine
+ (answer "You do nothing for a couple of hours and feel guilty \
+ because you didn't work")
+ (depress)
+ (rest+)
+ (to-state 'lunch))))))
+ 'lunch
+ (state "You have something for lunch. What do you want to do now?"
+ (list
+ (cons "Work."
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (f-or-tired
+ (combine
+ (answer "You worked for a couple of hours.")
+ (tire)
+ (to-state 'evening))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are too tired to work. You do nothing for a \
+ couple of hours and you feel for wasting your time.")
+ (depress+)
+ (to-state 'evening)))
+ (combine
+ (answer "Work? What for? It's meaningless. Just let your life \
+ pass while asking yourself why you are doing nothing.")
+ (depress)
+ (to-state 'evening))))
+ (cons "Relax."
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (combine
+ (answer "You do nothing for a couple of hours and feel guilty \
+ because you didn't work")
+ (depress+)
+ (rest)
+ (to-state 'evening))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You can't just relax. You are worthless if you don't \
+ work.\
+ You overwork and spend the whole afternoon working in \
+ bad conditions.")
+ (tire+)
+ (to-state 'dinner)))))))
+ 'evening
+ (state "You still have some time until dinner. What do you want to do"
+ (list
+ (cons "Work"
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (combine
+ (answer "You work. It's late so it's really tiring and you have \
+ a hard time concentrating.")
+ (tire+)
+ (to-state 'dinner))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You work because what else you could do? There's \
+ nothing else in your life.\
+ You work in bad conditions and you skip dinner because \
+ you are obsessed with your job.")
+ (depress)
+ (tire+)
+ (day-banner)
+ (to-state 'wake-up))))
+ (cons "Relax at home."
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (combine
+ (answer "You relax at home. You stayed at home the whole day.")
+ (depress+)
+ (to-state 'dinner))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are bored, you play around with work related stuff \
+ until it's time to have dinner.")
+ (tire)
+ (to-state 'dinner))))
+ (cons "Go outside."
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (combine
+ (answer "You go outside for a walk.")
+ (cheer-up+)
+ (cheer-up)
+ (to-state 'dinner))
+ (combine
+ (answer "It's already dark outside. You don't feel like going \
+ outside. You wait doing nothing until dinner time.")
+ (depress)
+ (to-state 'dinner)))))))
+ 'dinner
+ (state "Time for dinner. What do you want to do afterwards?"
+ (list
+ (cons "Work"
+ (f-or-tired
+ (combine
+ (answer "You work for some time and then go to bed.")
+ (cheer-up)
+ (tire)
+ (next-day)
+ (day-banner)
+ (to-state 'wake-up))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You are too tired to work. You watch some TV and \
+ feel bad about it.")
+ (depress)
+ (rest)
+ (next-day)
+ (day-banner)
+ (to-state 'wake-up))))
+ (cons "Relax"
+ (f-or-depressed
+ (combine
+ (answer "You manage to relax watching a film. And go to bed \
+ afterwards.")
+ (day-banner)
+ (to-state 'wake-up))
+ (combine
+ (answer "You didn't work enough during the day and you want \
+ to relax. You shouldn't. \
+ You work until it's late and then go to bed.")
+ (tire+)
+ (depress)
+ (next-day)
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display (string-append "Days " (number->string (*day*))))
+ (newline))
+ (to-state 'wake-up)))))))
+((to-state 'start))